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dash said:special mention this year for the best aioli of the 15 restaurant i've made this year !!!
15 restaurants - wow!!
i bet all of them were good restaurants - not mcdonalds and similar crap like that?
dash said:special mention this year for the best aioli of the 15 restaurant i've made this year !!!
McRackin said:15 restaurants - wow!!
i bet all of them were good restaurants - not mcdonalds and similar crap like that?
Aioli -Tony said:special mention this year for the best aioli of the 15 restaurant i've made this year !!!
dash said:McRackin said:15 restaurants - wow!!
i bet all of them were good restaurants - not mcdonalds and similar crap like that?
of course u are right...
dash said:another good adress for this year: Ca Na Ribes at santa eularia ...
i love "la burida de raya" , the wonderful garden and the price ...