Catalan Referedum

basically, the people who run Spain are throwbacks to the dinosaur era. Rajoy, Aznar, Matutes etc all these people are corrupt gangsters who get others to do their dirty work. bollocks to local sensitivities

as for the European Union. Spineless.
I could be wrong but my prediction is that the Catalans will declare independence within 48 hours and then the Spanish government will immediately abolish (or neuter) the regional government by sending the heavies in (again) arresting the local government and imposing direct rule (Northern Ireland style) and then that's when things get REALLY dark.
Rajoy, Aznar, Matutes etc

You forgot Jordi Pujol ;)

There's corrupt politicians everywhere in Spain unfortunately, including Catalan Politics

In my view spanish police were way too heavy handed in many instances and should have stayed at home but the catalan government should not have been encouraging the people to participate in an illegal referendum to begin with.
I'm not suggesting the Catalans are saints and believe me I've written countless articles savaging the indys but the ref only came about because the Spanish government refused to sit down and discuss federal reform and a fair tax deal for the Catalans. So the radicals eventually took over the regional government and this is where we are. the polarisation suits hardliners on both sides but does nothing to solve the crisis. The Catalans have been idiots in many ways but Rajoy is still the biggest obstacle though. Until the sons of Franco clear off, there will never be any progress.
Until the sons of Franco clear off, there will never be any progress

I just wish the mainland was as chilled as you lot. Not that the baleares don't have their own problems, I recognise that, but it just seems so much more tense over here. Much as I love BCN, everything is so politically charged all the time, it is exhausting. you almost kind of lose perspective. I spent about 12 consecutive hours on twitter yesterday watching footage of cops beating people up. Not the most productive use of a Sunday, but it feels like we're living in the middle of a revolution even though obviously nothing will actually change.

ps/ I miss Maradona ! did he ever hang out at KU?
What's the deal with Ibiza/the Balearic Islands when it comes to Catalan independence? I know that they have close ties with Catalonia, and many people speak Catalan (Catalan road signs, etc) but are technically a separate autonomous community.

If Catalonia does get independence (as unlikely as that look) do they want to stay part of Spain, join Catalonia? I did see quite a bit of pro-Catalonia graffiti around the island this summer.

Apologies for my ignorance on the issue.
I'm not suggesting the Catalans are saints and believe me I've written countless articles savaging the indys but the ref only came about because the Spanish government refused to sit down and discuss federal reform and a fair tax deal for the Catalans. So the radicals eventually took over the regional government and this is where we are. the polarisation suits hardliners on both sides but does nothing to solve the crisis. The Catalans have been idiots in many ways but Rajoy is still the biggest obstacle though

I agree. I think Rajoy has done nothing in progressing this issue.
From the limited knowledge I have, my feelings are the socialist party leader might be better for this particular problem. My favourite is actually the Ciudadanos leader but there's no hope of him getting to power.
f*** knows where it goes from here. Definitely doesn't get better though.

Can't really go on to say what I want to say about the Guardia Civil but yeah, definitely a throwback to Franco's times.
Where it goes from here is the referendum is ignored, dodgy deals are made behind the scenes, and things carry on as they were.

Happened in multiple European countries since the EU/Eurozone started to crumble. Indeed the only country that seems to be listening to their referendum result is the UK, though we'll wait and see how long that lasts.
announcement expected later today

possibly the biggest day in modern Spanish history since the death of Franco, the failed coup of 1981 or Danny Rampling discovering Ibiza
announcement expected later today

possibly the biggest day in modern Spanish history since the death of Franco, the failed coup of 1981 or Danny Rampling discovering Ibiza

yeah 6pm local time it is.

this isn´t going to end well I have a feeling. PP have dealt the whole subject in the worst possible way ever and now it´s all gonna kick off.