Car Insurance for Females....


Active Member
is set to rise about 20-25% to compare with what males pay....

I did wonder when the whole 'sexism' thing might become apparent on the thing of womans car insurance being cheaper, because apparently we are 'better / careful' drivers....

At the end of the day you cant judge someones driving skills on what sex they are, god knows how they have only just come to highlight this fact now :rolleyes:

Obviously im not happy with this but hey ho its another thing we cant help in this country :rolleyes:
15 points, i didnt think that was possible :lol:

I think id cry if i got any lol

She was on nine, then got six in one day. On good advice of a lawyer friend of mine, she went to court and begged them not to take her licence. His advice was to work out who was an innocent party that would be affected is he lost it. She said she would lose her job and not be able to pay her share of the mortgage on the flat she shared with her brother and he too would lose his home.

They went for it and agreed to put the two lots of three points on separately, the second lot when the first had expired.
She was on nine, then got six in one day. On good advice of a lawyer friend of mine, she went to court and begged them not to take her licence. His advice was to work out who was an innocent party that would be affected is he lost it. She said she would lose her job and not be able to pay her share of the mortgage on the flat she shared with her brother and he too would lose his home.

They went for it and agreed to put the two lots of three points on separately, the second lot when the first had expired.

Blimey, didnt think that would be possible, fair play though 8)
I was kind of hoping it'd drop male car insurance, not force up the cost for women.

Oh well, typical of the insurance industry. Apparently I'm a boy racer in my limited edition 206, which has never had an accident in four years (touch wood) and has not modifications. But i mean, what would I know?
My insurance went up a ridiculous amount when I moved 15 mins away - now hoping to ditch the car as I never use it, 5 min walk to station, 15 mins walk to decent shops - its a waste of money right now!
I am a snob - I HATE public transport! I want to listen to my own tunes and breath my own germs thank you very much - I will walk if its less than a 3mile round trip tho :)
I am a snob - I HATE public transport! I want to listen to my own tunes and breath my own germs thank you very much

me too - I still occasionally get a bus if I have to go to something boozy but there's always some social catastrophe who gets on who hasn't washed for years. The quality of life just plummets in an instant. On the free (er I mean bendy) bus that used to run down kingsland road before Boris ended it, you would get some very interesting characters, I remember one man allowed his two dobermans to take over both seats. What exactly are your options if you find some canine misfit panting in your right ear?

praying the price of petrol stabilises at some point - damn you gaddafi :eek:
me too - I still occasionally get a bus if I have to go to something boozy but there's always some social catastrophe who gets on who hasn't washed for years. The quality of life just plummets in an instant. On the free (er I mean bendy) bus that used to run down kingsland road before Boris ended it, you would get some very interesting characters, I remember one man allowed his two dobermans to take over both seats. What exactly are your options if you find some canine misfit panting in your right ear?

praying the price of petrol stabilises at some point - damn you gaddafi :eek:

I remember when i was younger and had no choice but to take the bus, before i was able to drive, that my bus would occasionally stop going through a particular '**** hole' village near me, as the bus used to get attacked, as in....pelted with eggs and flower....poor drivers must of feared for their lives :lol:

I darent drive through that place now, for fear of losing my wheels :lol:

I am currently loathing cars in general tho, they are one big MASSIVE BILL :twisted:
How come you say this ?!

Because it loses far too many companies money. Car insurance is merely the tip of the iceberg compared to health insurance/pensions.

If an insurance company can't choose a differential between gender they're a bit funked.
I am becoming a train snob - most days I have a pleasant journey, peaceful, I am left alone to read, sleep etc - other days I am surrounded by coughs, sneezes, annoying ticks, people eating their nails off, grinding teeth etc, GRIM