*** Cancun - Spring Break ***


Active Member
Come on then my little muffins....whos been ?!

Im off to Cancun with the other half on the 8th March and we canny wait, especially as its gona be spring break, wohoooo PARTY TIME :D

We plan to be eating and drinking lots but are also wanting to do all the touristy things aswell :D

Any recommendations for things to see and do ?!
Definitely rent a car if you can. Road trips to Chichen Itza, Tulum and Playa del Carmen, as well as a ferry ride to Isla Mujeres, were what really made the trip for me.

The resort itself is fine. Most of the hotels are all-inclusive so you spend some time at the beach, eat too much and drink small cocktails all afternoon.

The resort area of Cancun is basically an island shaped like the number 7 (ocean on the outside, brackish backwater on the inside). At the corner is a little area with bars and nightclubs. They love their trance there. I went to one night with Paul van Dyk. It was a fun party, aside from the drinks in flimsy plastic cups :lol:

The city of Cancun itself is pretty grim, although there is a nice market for grabbing souvenirs and other cheap stuff.

I was there for New Years. Lots of Brits there at that time of year. I suppose in March it'll be overrun with young Americans.
Met a few boys in their early 20's from LA in Ibiza last July and they said they go to Cancun every year on holiday as it's only a 2hr or so flight for them.

When I asked them if they ever go for spring break they all burst out laughing telling me no chance as they were way to old and that it's full of kids that can't handle their booze on their first holiday away from home.

Apparently best avoided at that time of year.
Xel ha is a great snorkelling trip for a day, massive lagoon full of marine life , plus its all inc too so you can take a break for a while and enjoy even more food and drink!

Music wise; whilst I was there in sep I think every bar or club was issued with the same CD containing David Guetta, poor remixes of pop songs, Rihanna, j-Lo etc. :spank:
Xel ha is a great snorkelling trip for a day, massive lagoon full of marine life , plus its all inc too so you can take a break for a while and enjoy even more food and drink!

Yes, I've been there.

You swim with massive parrot-fish. It's wicked.
Music wise; whilst I was there in sep I think every bar or club was issued with the same CD containing David Guetta, poor remixes of pop songs, Rihanna, j-Lo etc. :spank:
Ha ha. Yes, forgot to mention. There are only 2-3 normal clubs and everything else is bars playing the above sort of music. :lol:
One of the contractor here at work was telling me about his trip to Cancun last Spring Break - young, good looking lad - expected the party of his live...

Turned out it was a cockfest full of American & Canadian male teens acting obnoxiously. To say he was disappointed was an understatement :lol:

Still, seeing as you'll be going as a couple you won't have this problem. Sure you'll have a great time Vic!
One of the contractor here at work was telling me about his trip to Cancun last Spring Break - young, good looking lad - expected the party of his live...

Turned out it was a cockfest full of American & Canadian male teens acting obnoxiously. To say he was disappointed was an understatement :lol:

Still, seeing as you'll be going as a couple you won't have this problem. Sure you'll have a great time Vic!
My friends had the same experience as your contractor white isle calling, even behind the 'you should try it' you could tell they thought it was poor at that time of year