Canadians girl heading to Ibiza end of August

I plan on going to Ibiza by myself the last week or so of August, so I'm looking for anyone that would like to meet up or maybe share accomodations. I don't really want to just arrive there blindly and staying alone might not be so great...I also plan on travelling all over Europe starting in the beginning of August before I end up in Ibiza, so travel mates are welcomed for that too!!
canadianibizavirgin said:
I plan on going to Ibiza by myself the last week or so of August, so I'm looking for anyone that would like to meet up or maybe share accomodations. I don't really want to just arrive there blindly and staying alone might not be so great...I also plan on travelling all over Europe starting in the beginning of August before I end up in Ibiza, so travel mates are welcomed for that too!!

Well, I'm flying into Western Europe from Vancouver on July 26. I'm in Ibiza from July 31 to Aug 7. Where are you gonna to be all over Europe? I'm making Antwerp, Belgium my home base before and after Ibiza.
I arrive in Amsterdam July 30, then I'm staying there for about 5 days, then going to Copenhagen, then down through Germany, Austria, Switzerland, France and then to Ibiza. It's not a definite plan, just a rough guide I have. It doesn't look like we'll be meeting up though, unless you're in some of the other countries besides Spain and Belgium!!
I traveled all through Europe last summer (including an Ibiza stop). Allow AT LEAST 1 week for Ibiza as it was BY FAR the most amazing experience of the trip. In fact, I made my 2nd pilgrimage in late June for the opening parties...

Where do you live in Ontario? I am moving back to Toronto on Saturday (have been away since November in NY and Dublin) and am a little out of touch with the scene. Any advice/comments?


I am staying in Ibiza for 10 days!!! Originally I was only going to stay 3 days, then it was 5, then it was a week, now it's 10!! I also purposely made Ibiza the end of my trip because I knew I wouldn't want to leave if I began there!!!
I live near St. Catharines, so I'm not really into the Toronto scene. I don't know what to tell you coming back from a long trip like that...but I wouldn't say you missed much!! Except that if you're gay, now you can legally get married :? So like I say, you haven't missed much!