can you buy food in space

get your mate outside to buy a bocadillo and lob it over the wall.............if you wanna stand on the terrace with a baguette in your hand that is.:eek: :lol:
I normally find a glass of wine does the trick instead of food :lol: ;)

dont get me wrong - i've been to ibiza 4 times and that one a complete one off!! normally the thought off food turns your stomach but we had a serious 4 day party in the villa before this night as there was nothing else to do and it hit me in pacha that i needed sugar!
dont get me wrong - i've been to ibiza 4 times and that one a complete one off!! normally the thought off food turns your stomach but we had a serious 4 day party in the villa before this night as there was nothing else to do and it hit me in pacha that i needed sugar!

Vodka limon has plenty of sugar!
exactly mr menchie

food is officially the cheapest thing to buy in space.

(tm SuperD)

the fans arent that expensive either.

Seriously, how much do they charge for a snickers or a sandwich? I'm so going to have one next year, there's not much better than some food every couple of hours on a night out :) I think I just wrecked my not-quite-yet-established street cred on this forum for years to come ;)
Seriously, how much do they charge for a snickers or a sandwich? I'm so going to have one next year, there's not much better than some food every couple of hours on a night out :) I think I just wrecked my not-quite-yet-established street cred on this forum for years to come ;)

Here comes a seriously german answer ;) :

The spinach sandwich at the Space opening was about 7 Euro (since June I have problems with my stomach), I don`t know the price for a snickers, I prefer Milky Way. :p
Here comes a seriously german answer ;) :

The spinach sandwich at the Space opening was about 7 Euro (since June I have problems with my stomach), I don`t know the price for a snickers, I prefer Milky Way. :p

Oh my, is it that obvious I'm German from a few sentences? :eek: ;)
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what i used to love while clubbing, usually as soon as i left the club was some cold fruit salad. that would get the much needed nutrients and water back into your system
Nutrition is good

When I had a sandwich in space it was of poor quality.

I don't get all these people dissin eating. I think a sign of a mature party goer with stamina is adequate emphasis on nutrient intake. Love it or hate it, if you're not eating anything you're going to start feel weak and dizzy and drop off a lot sooner than the ones who eat properly.

In situation where chewing food seems unattractive, a protein shake is just the ticket to renew energy levels. That would be exactly the thing to sell at 20 hour parties. I think there would be a lot of demand, and more importantly, it would power up the space tourists to spend even more money at the ultra-commercial establishment of their choice.
im nearing 15 weeks working for space and not once have a seen a snickers or sandwich in the place....where can they be purchased?
the sandwiches are hardly award winning but then what do you expect.

the one my amiga got was meant to be tuna but it was more like tuna paste on toastie loaf.:eek: :confused: made me chuckle how bad it was.:lol: :lol: