Another memory.!!!!!!
My Brother - he is possibly the champion when it comes to vomiting in the most curious and the most unlikeliest of places, usually after having far too much of the local liquor - the stories he and I could tell of his exploits would fill a book.
We were on our way home - so like good little boys we decided to have an early night as the flight was leaving at an unearthy early hour sometime between 10am and midday. Wrong idea! We went to the bar and that was that! The following morning before setting off to the airport we decided that we needed breakfast in order to soak up the drink that was awash in our systems, so we looked in the fridge and all we could find was eggs and mayonnaise. It was decided that we would have egg mayo sandwiches for breakfast and would take some to the airport to eat later. We also found a large onion and the egg and onion mayo mixture was made and eaten. We arrived at the airport in a minibus that had seen better days and had lost it's springs many years before, duly shaken up and feeling a little queasy and just wanting to get to the plane and get home. My Brother - He of the champoin chunder got down from the minibus and announced that he did not feel too well and was going to be sick and walked across to the side of the doorway and promptly evacuated the contents of his stomach, Egg,onion and mayo sandwiches coupled with the excesses of the previous night was not a pretty sight.
Nothing spectacular about this, I hear you say. Except, that standing in the same corner, uunseen by my brother - and us- was an airport policeman in his smart uniform and highly polished boots. He was the recipient of my brother's evacuations and promptly ran off covered in foul and evil smelling deposits. My brother, who was not fazed by this looked up and said "I feel a lot better now" and we all went into the airport, checked in and eventually left for the UK. all the time we were in the airport we were keeping one eye open for the authorities to come and take us away, we were glad to get on the plane. We later found out that my brother, who by now, was feeling OK had decided to "thoughtfully dispose" of the carefully made sandwiches we had brought with us and had stashed them in various parts of the airport and laughingly told us - on the plane - that he could imagine the smell around the airport as the mid-day sun heated up the contents of the sandwiches. Oh, what fun we had when we were young!!!!!. A couple of months later when we arrived back in Ibiza for another visit we crept through the airport carefully avoiding any eye contact with any person in uniform and trying to look as innocent as possible. This time we were better behaved!!