Bucket list

go back to live in ibiza

do burning man at least once

do universo parallelo

go diving in galapagos islands
I was gona say something along the lines of "be happy with what i have , whatever that may be" , but its not really the point of a 'do before you die' thread i guess so on a purely selfish level:

Get to a standard of snowboarding where i can spin off a decent size kicker and get a few feet out of a pipe.
Have a monster session in Berghain
Dj at a festival (doesnt need to be a big stage just seems like a great gig being as wrecked as the audience from what i saw at glade)
Get over my fear of heights which ive developed over last few years.
Meet the girl of my dreams
Go out with Wayne18uk and bang loadsa 'burds'
Survive Ibiza 8)
Survive Newcastle
Land this new job i want
Run the London Marathon *fingers crossed*
Survive 4 months without sex :lol: whilst the BF serves in Afghan
Weekend in Italy....or a week....venice, room, tuscany etc etc
Weekend in Paris
Spring break in Mexico
Get past the 6 month mile stone of having a lasting relationship :lol:

All the above is for the next year...

As for life in general.....god i will be listing faaaaaaaaar too much...

so for now i will say...

Travel the world
Kids, ideally twin boys and twin girls :lol:

I used to have a bucket list which just required a ton of money and plenty fo free time.

Now I just want to get my two daughters into adulthood without them acquiring either babies or a muppet boyfriend who drains the life out of them, with a good head on ther shoulders and without hating me in the process.*

* I did hope to remain out of prison as well, but id be happy to forego that bit if neccessary.

Rio Carnaval




Find some way to make my condition (bi-polar disorder) more manageable.

Move to Ibiza and spend my time learning to play guitar (badly!) :lol:
I used to have a bucket list which just required a ton of money and plenty fo free time.

Now I just want to get my two daughters into adulthood without them acquiring either babies or a muppet boyfriend who drains the life out of them, with a good head on ther shoulders and without hating me in the process.*

* I did hope to remain out of prison as well, but id be happy to forego that bit if neccessary.


Full blown ocean going DITTO with that one amigo. Exactly the same position I am in.
Now I just want to get my two daughters into adulthood without them acquiring either babies or a muppet boyfriend who drains the life out of them, with a good head on ther shoulders and without hating me in the process.

all i can do here is wish you the best of luck ;) 8)
Any tips from your perspective? You being a young chick about town and all that!

Dont let them date :evil: haha kidding

All i can say is be the coolest Dad ever and you will get the respect you want and deserve thus meaning your girls will love you and admire you loads 8)

Give them guidelines, boundarys, expectations and well....your asking for trouble ;) :lol:

Im sure you understand where im coming from 8)
Dont let them date :evil: haha kidding

All i can say is be the coolest Dad ever and you will get the respect you want and deserve thus meaning your girls will love you and admire you loads 8)

Give them guidelines, boundarys, expectations and well....your asking for trouble ;) :lol:

Im sure you understand where im coming from 8)

Ah well, that's me fcked :lol:
If I ever have kids and they are girls, they can come and go as they please and do as they like.............

.......from the stroke of midnight on their 45th birthday!:lol:
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If I ever have kids and they are girls, they can come and go as they please and do as they like.............

.......from the stroke of midnight on their 45th birthday!:lol:
45? Wow... these kids grow up so fast these days. I was thinking 50.
2 that I want to cross off the list in the next couple of years:

Burning Man - NEED to do this before I get too old :spank:

Everest Base Camp Trek
Is this some sort of todo list before I die? Is so, here's my list:

Meet Kylie Minogue
Marry Kylie Minogue
Have babies with Kylie Minogue

If I turn 33 and above has not happened, then:

Meen a regular girl who is not a Kylie Minogue
Marry her
Have babies with her
Tell her that I would propably leave her if I had any change with Kylie Minogue