BPM Festival

when does the da/event tickets come out?....take it they announce who is playing what day etc 1st???

they haven't announced an exact date that info will be released. i get the press releases from the person for BPM so i'll put the info up here when i get it.
Looking forward to this one - line up really has delivered already!

Perfect start to my 5 months in Me-hee-ko!

Choose your showcases carefully.

The BPM Festival 2013: Day Showcases
All Day I Dream
Cécille Records
Dirtybird vs Pets
Life and Death
My Favorite Robot
Never Say Never
No. 19 Music
Saved Records
Toolroom Records
Wolf + Lamb

The BPM Festival 2013: Night Showcases
Circo Loco
Crosstown Rebels
Hot Creations
Music On
Viva Music
anyone else going to this??? ..... off the scale!!!!....ill be finished after the 1st 3 days hahaha, need to pace myself wisely ......... nice way to start 2013 :) :) :)

Dear sweet lord :!:
I haven't read all of it but scanning through it, seems like almost every good DJ on Earth will be there!
Almost makes me wish I hadn't booked Peru that week :confused:
yeah the lineup looks ridiculously good. we were debating about going, but have decided against it in the end.
been to Cancun last two years (been down to PdC too for a look about) and loved it. The only thing I didnt like is the music in the clubs and bars. Its atrocious. Bad enough to put me off from returning again. The same mixture of LMFAO, J-Lo, poor remixes of pop songs, its horrible. Im normally able to just get wrecked and not be bothered but it is really really sh*t. This festival and that location will be superb, just wish some of the Djs listed played when I was there instead of DJ Sick or whatever his name was shouting "all the weed smokers make some noise!!" over the mic.
Just got back from Mexico which involved the opening 3 days of bpm. I must say that this festival is the dogs bollox and I would highly recommend it. Awesome venues, sound systems and music. I will definitely be back.

Cancuns nightlife on the other hand was ****.
Mixes from the festival on Everybodywantstobethedj soundcloud.. justin martin,catz `n dogs ones are realy good.
Hi can anyone give Me a little info on bpm
ie cost of travel and stay from London and price of drinks etc when there and other stuff

Thanking you
Hi can anyone give Me a little info on bpm
ie cost of travel and stay from London and price of drinks etc when there and other stuff

Thanking you

This festival is all time!

Soooo much positivity towards it, I don't know where to start!

Flights will run you in the region of around 600+GBP return, unless you luck out like I did & score a promotion price. I got my return flights which are 4 months apart for 504GBP.

Drinks were'nt too bad in the clubs tbh ... A beer @ the beach parties & night venues will run you in the region of around 2.50 GBP give or take. More for spirits. In comparison to London prices it's nothing to sweat over!

Drinks are heaps cheaper from Oxxo's (Mexico's version of 7/11) which is ideal for the beach parties! Worth noting you couldn't buy alcohol after 5pm on Sundays so stock up. ;)

'Party Food' if you knew where to score, could be gotten cheap & gooooood. If you are unlucky enough not to score before you hit the main venue's then expect to pay top $$$ for sh!!thouse gear from sketchy characters in & around the toilets!

So my highlights were:

Innervisions @ Coco Maya ... Those sounds in that envioronment just can't be beaten ... A heap of love being felt all around the club & on the beach ... Particularly @ sunrise which was made even more special with the stormy rain showers. The sun burning through the storm clouds made for some sick viewing! ... Best night for sure!

This Is The End @ Mamitas ... Ryan Crosson & Saun Reeves B2B will always delivery! Crosson didn't quite bring it like he did @ Lo*Kee on NYD but good vibes non the less. Troxler as suprise guest was a shame, I would have prefered Gerber to play a solo set like he did @ the 'Supplement Facts' party.

Supplement Facts @ La Santanera ... Top line up in a very sick venue! Only negative would be that the upstairs terrace was a little too busy! Guy Gerber, take a bow. Biggest surpise was how The Martinez Brothers threw it down - they had the place poppin! The bang on 6am finish was a buzzkill tho.

Leftroom Vs Culprit ... Good times were had by all & the place was nicely filled. Got there a little later than planned but caught Jozif, Tolfrey & Laura Jones who I gotta say, killed it!

Paradise @ Coco Maya ... Opted out of paying for this one as we were only interested in seeing Cajmere. The great thing about Coco Maya is that you can have the sickest time on the beach out front for gratis! ... We had a great crew apart from the bongo guy with no rhythm! :spank: Cajmere's set was the ****! ... Have to say Jamie Jones also brought his A game! - Rumour has it a fresh Green Velvet track was dropped & if it's the one we heard @ around 4;15am then geeeeezus christ!! - we were all trippin to that one! :D

Closing Party @ Blue Parrot ... Got there soooo late, missing Steve Bug but caught the last 30 or so of some guy called Danny Tenaglia then Art Department came on tore that joint apart! ... the 8am ish finish was a massive let down. We all thought that the closing would go on and on ... clearly not.

They were the highlights but it needs to be said that the day parties can be experienced for free on the beach with friends for nothing. You're just outside the barrired off zone which on many days made no difference - particularly for the No.19 showcase!

Both Mamitas & Kool Beach Club are opposite each other which works very well.

Yeah, so all in all I'd head back for sure! ... It's very much like Ibiza condensed into 9 days minus the greed.
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Hows the hangover Doddy?

Wot can i say, BPM blew me away....like Makka says ...... Ibiza minus the greed and rammed into 9 days........
i also found the atmosphere in the clubs 10 times better than Ibiza, people dont barge, knock u etc and if they did they would smile and apologise...even the staff working at the venues were brilliant..........so friendly, service with a smile :)

we got there the day before it started so plenty of time to get the use of of all inc on day 1 :)

Friday 4th - headed over to the BPM mechandise shop to exchange our RA print offs for the tickets for our days/nights we planned... the queue was massive and not moving so i started to panic as i was going to mamitas that day for Varsity Allstars for Klock and a few others....anyways i explained this to one of the stewards and he marched us upto the front shouting i was a perfomer and had to register haha....magic big fella, (gave him a good tip) got my tix and into mamita's, very quiet once we got in, met up with a fellow scotsman and his wife who cntacted us on RA...so few beers with them before hitting the sand :)...loved this little venue right on the beach.... prices of drink were magic.... what a difference when a beer costs u just £2 odd.....
Anja Schneider was djing when we got on, nice we start, she was decent enough, then Klock came on, a quite subdued set compared to his 4hrs set in glasgow a week earlier where he took the sub club roof off..... but still superb by him.... came over and chatted away to us after his set, he was supposed to be doing a boat party as well but got cancelled due to windy conditions........ great start to the BPM.... was planning to maybe try the opening party in the blue parrot but the 4 of us were canned :)....anyways i heard Tiesto turned up to do a house set....so not bothered i missed it .....

Sat 5th - Lazed at the pool during the day and got in amongst the free cocktails .... then met up again with our new friends for the Minus Showcase in the blue parrot.... went in earlyish around 12 as i heard it got crazy with queues and it was also a saturday night....got in and fell in love with the place right away, cracking club, pitched ourselves at the back nxt to the beach...think there was more people on the other side of the fence on the beach than in the club.....common sense haha as it was banging out there as well....save $40 as well..........but i reckon $40 is a steal for a night like this.....Paco Osuna played a good set....Matador live after him was superb and Hawtin came on round 4ish....usual Hawtin.... traktor taking a bashing and playing some smashing techno....a decent enough set when he evenutally chucked it at 0645am..... with the sun up by then this club is really something....u then realise u have been outside the whole time :)....the place was really busy but like i said the atmosphere was 2nd to none in there.... great great crowd........

Sun 6th - Got out our bed at 12noon and went for bite to eat, few more drinks and got ready to head to Tulum...not sight seeing haha...we were going to Somewhere Beyond which was a festival outwith the BPM...all the minus crew were playing along with Ivan Smagge and Guy gerber....got down to this about 4pm as its just over an hour on the bus....what a venue....big stage erected on a superb beach in the middle of nowhere...caught Smagghe when we got there, thought he was superb..... crazy tunes for a daytime party but i loved them ...... me and the good lady then chilled and dipped into the sea for a while, not sure wheo the 2 guys where who were on after smagghe but they were a bit down tempo.... then Guy Gerber came on as the surprise headline slot....he was brilliant.... right up my street, some acidic beats in there as well....but got to nearer 9pm and the good lady felt sickly..... so we had to head for the hotel........but loved this wee party and would recommend, kinda wish i caught some of the saturday night line up as well with the minus crew...but being on at the same time as hawtin n co never helped........
our new amigos went to kool beach this day and basically said wink was ****e and pullen was brillaint....

Mon 7th - No daytime parties due to the good lady being sickly still... but we had tix for cocoon that night so lazed by the pool.....
turned out the better half had a 24hr stomach bug so she wasnt fit for cocoon :(.... but she insisted of course i went myself....so i did haha
and what a night it was..... i was caught in 2 minds whether to goto coco maya this night for circo loco or blue parrot for cocoon...but i fancied seeing vath for the 1st time in years....and im glad i did......Cassy was on beforehand and she nailed the warm up set....superb.....then the papa came on about 0230..... blew the place away...loved it..... vath being vath wouldnt ch it when being asked to by the blue parrot staff....i eventually left at 8am and he was still going...he was a bit worse for wear right enough.hahaha...really enjoying himself.....:)
i met a few top lads from Detriot in there who i spent most of the night with and they later txted me to say Vath done a crowd surf over the decks haha...quite a high stage in there as well.....wot a man....he later done a set at Mamitas as well...just turned up...as they seem to do at the BPM....seen troxler everywhere i went at this festival.......

Tues and Wed we didnt do alot at all.....just wandered on the other side of the fences of mamitas and Kool Beach where the mexicans hung about haha..... still a good atmosphere as u can here the music quite clearly

Thursday - Headed over with our new amigos to Canibal Royale for Tini and the gang..... cracking venue as well and we had a brilliant day, Carola turned up for a while and mingled with the crowd..... he later done the sunday closing here with capriati..... after his mammoth set on the saturday night in the blue parrot......
Tini was really good, 1st time ive seen her...... never done anything later that night, just a few beers on 5th avenue.....which is the main street in playa...crackin bars and food places along this strip.... when we come back nxt year :) i reckon it will be flight only and we will try stay in this area where there are much cheaper hotels and condos for rent.... as there is loads of cheap food places so the all inc isnt really required.

Friday - headed over to Kool beach for Sasha n Cassy...place was rammed, busiest crowd i saw the whole week, but i suppose it was the closing weekend and this was the start of it..... great party as well....cassy again done a perfect warm up set and the crowd seem to love sasha, ive not a massive fan but i enjoyed it all the same...plenty of space on the beach just down from the main floor and VIP part...met loads of people from all over this day, alot of travellers.....all good.....our new friends from scotland left early this night so it was just me and the wife left now..... again didnt fancy anything that night so had some proper mexican grub on 5th ave....then back to hotel round midnight...

Saturday - lazy day and again nothing took our fancy so made the most of the hotels free bevvy and grub....also booked into one of the hotels restuarants this night as we didnt go out that night either as we planned a big one on the last day......

Sunday - up the crack of dawn and headed down beach for some sunshine and all inc bevvy....got ready round lunchtime and headed over to mamitas for "this is the end"...shaun reeves, ryan crossan, laura lane and guy gerber was added...... so all good....got there and seen that seth troxler was also added to the set times, b2b with gerber...magic..... great day to finish.... crossan and reeves were decent... gerber and troxlers tune selection was 2nd to none but not sure what happened with them mixing.... quite bad tbh.... maybe they were party'd out lol....still they finished off at 9pm and the beach was rocking....met seth just at the side of the booth, spoke about scotland as he was recently in edinburgh...top man, few cracking pics with him as well.....
then headed back to hotel for quick change as we had tix for the blue parrot closing....and this is the low point of the holiday....me and the missus were a tad drunk and both fell asleep....gutter....woke at 4am but couldnt muster up the strength to get up :(....then again when we woke at 7am...we jumped up and thought we would chance it....jumped in a taxi and when we got there just after 8 it was closed.....gutter, thought this party was supposed to goto crazy o'clock.....tenaglia only done a 2 hour set and i heard art dept were going to be on till noon at least.....so 2 $40 tix un-used haha....not to worry...... went for a lovely breaky on 5th and done a bit of shopping...:(...

so that was our BPM in a couple short paragraphs which are wonky, missed out loads.....so go see for yerself....like i said....we will be back for 2 weeks again nxt year....... this could easily be my new ibiza....before its totally conquered by europe..... best festival i have been to ...easy....

we had 4 days to chill after it which was magic..... and i would recommend a wee ferry over to the island of cozumel...we hired scooters and went round the island.....paradise this place.....miles of untouched beaches......

ill try add some pics from my laptop when im home

Wot can i say, BPM blew me away....like Makka says ...... Ibiza minus the greed and rammed into 9 days........
i also found the atmosphere in the clubs 10 times better than Ibiza, people dont barge, knock u etc and if they did they would smile and apologise...even the staff working at the venues were brilliant..........so friendly, service with a smile :)

we got there the day before it started so plenty of time to get the use of of all inc on day 1 :)

Friday 4th - headed over to the BPM mechandise shop to exchange our RA print offs for the tickets for our days/nights we planned... the queue was massive and not moving so i started to panic as i was going to mamitas that day for Varsity Allstars for Klock and a few others....anyways i explained this to one of the stewards and he marched us upto the front shouting i was a perfomer and had to register haha....magic big fella, (gave him a good tip) got my tix and into mamita's, very quiet once we got in, met up with a fellow scotsman and his wife who cntacted us on RA...so few beers with them before hitting the sand :)...loved this little venue right on the beach.... prices of drink were magic.... what a difference when a beer costs u just £2 odd.....
Anja Schneider was djing when we got on, nice we start, she was decent enough, then Klock came on, a quite subdued set compared to his 4hrs set in glasgow a week earlier where he took the sub club roof off..... but still superb by him.... came over and chatted away to us after his set, he was supposed to be doing a boat party as well but got cancelled due to windy conditions........ great start to the BPM.... was planning to maybe try the opening party in the blue parrot but the 4 of us were canned :)....anyways i heard Tiesto turned up to do a house set....so not bothered i missed it .....

Sat 5th - Lazed at the pool during the day and got in amongst the free cocktails .... then met up again with our new friends for the Minus Showcase in the blue parrot.... went in earlyish around 12 as i heard it got crazy with queues and it was also a saturday night....got in and fell in love with the place right away, cracking club, pitched ourselves at the back nxt to the beach...think there was more people on the other side of the fence on the beach than in the club.....common sense haha as it was banging out there as well....save $40 as well..........but i reckon $40 is a steal for a night like this.....Paco Osuna played a good set....Matador live after him was superb and Hawtin came on round 4ish....usual Hawtin.... traktor taking a bashing and playing some smashing techno....a decent enough set when he evenutally chucked it at 0645am..... with the sun up by then this club is really something....u then realise u have been outside the whole time :)....the place was really busy but like i said the atmosphere was 2nd to none in there.... great great crowd........

Sun 6th - Got out our bed at 12noon and went for bite to eat, few more drinks and got ready to head to Tulum...not sight seeing haha...we were going to Somewhere Beyond which was a festival outwith the BPM...all the minus crew were playing along with Ivan Smagge and Guy gerber....got down to this about 4pm as its just over an hour on the bus....what a venue....big stage erected on a superb beach in the middle of nowhere...caught Smagghe when we got there, thought he was superb..... crazy tunes for a daytime party but i loved them ...... me and the good lady then chilled and dipped into the sea for a while, not sure wheo the 2 guys where who were on after smagghe but they were a bit down tempo.... then Guy Gerber came on as the surprise headline slot....he was brilliant.... right up my street, some acidic beats in there as well....but got to nearer 9pm and the good lady felt sickly..... so we had to head for the hotel........but loved this wee party and would recommend, kinda wish i caught some of the saturday night line up as well with the minus crew...but being on at the same time as hawtin n co never helped........
our new amigos went to kool beach this day and basically said wink was ****e and pullen was brillaint....

Mon 7th - No daytime parties due to the good lady being sickly still... but we had tix for cocoon that night so lazed by the pool.....
turned out the better half had a 24hr stomach bug so she wasnt fit for cocoon :(.... but she insisted of course i went myself....so i did haha
and what a night it was..... i was caught in 2 minds whether to goto coco maya this night for circo loco or blue parrot for cocoon...but i fancied seeing vath for the 1st time in years....and im glad i did......Cassy was on beforehand and she nailed the warm up set....superb.....then the papa came on about 0230..... blew the place away...loved it..... vath being vath wouldnt ch it when being asked to by the blue parrot staff....i eventually left at 8am and he was still going...he was a bit worse for wear right enough.hahaha...really enjoying himself.....:)
i met a few top lads from Detriot in there who i spent most of the night with and they later txted me to say Vath done a crowd surf over the decks haha...quite a high stage in there as well.....wot a man....he later done a set at Mamitas as well...just turned up...as they seem to do at the BPM....seen troxler everywhere i went at this festival.......

Tues and Wed we didnt do alot at all.....just wandered on the other side of the fences of mamitas and Kool Beach where the mexicans hung about haha..... still a good atmosphere as u can here the music quite clearly

Thursday - Headed over with our new amigos to Canibal Royale for Tini and the gang..... cracking venue as well and we had a brilliant day, Carola turned up for a while and mingled with the crowd..... he later done the sunday closing here with capriati..... after his mammoth set on the saturday night in the blue parrot......
Tini was really good, 1st time ive seen her...... never done anything later that night, just a few beers on 5th avenue.....which is the main street in playa...crackin bars and food places along this strip.... when we come back nxt year :) i reckon it will be flight only and we will try stay in this area where there are much cheaper hotels and condos for rent.... as there is loads of cheap food places so the all inc isnt really required.

Friday - headed over to Kool beach for Sasha n Cassy...place was rammed, busiest crowd i saw the whole week, but i suppose it was the closing weekend and this was the start of it..... great party as well....cassy again done a perfect warm up set and the crowd seem to love sasha, ive not a massive fan but i enjoyed it all the same...plenty of space on the beach just down from the main floor and VIP part...met loads of people from all over this day, alot of travellers.....all good.....our new friends from scotland left early this night so it was just me and the wife left now..... again didnt fancy anything that night so had some proper mexican grub on 5th ave....then back to hotel round midnight...

Saturday - lazy day and again nothing took our fancy so made the most of the hotels free bevvy and grub....also booked into one of the hotels restuarants this night as we didnt go out that night either as we planned a big one on the last day......

Sunday - up the crack of dawn and headed down beach for some sunshine and all inc bevvy....got ready round lunchtime and headed over to mamitas for "this is the end"...shaun reeves, ryan crossan, laura lane and guy gerber was added...... so all good....got there and seen that seth troxler was also added to the set times, b2b with gerber...magic..... great day to finish.... crossan and reeves were decent... gerber and troxlers tune selection was 2nd to none but not sure what happened with them mixing.... quite bad tbh.... maybe they were party'd out lol....still they finished off at 9pm and the beach was rocking....met seth just at the side of the booth, spoke about scotland as he was recently in edinburgh...top man, few cracking pics with him as well.....
then headed back to hotel for quick change as we had tix for the blue parrot closing....and this is the low point of the holiday....me and the missus were a tad drunk and both fell asleep....gutter....woke at 4am but couldnt muster up the strength to get up :(....then again when we woke at 7am...we jumped up and thought we would chance it....jumped in a taxi and when we got there just after 8 it was closed.....gutter, thought this party was supposed to goto crazy o'clock.....tenaglia only done a 2 hour set and i heard art dept were going to be on till noon at least.....so 2 $40 tix un-used haha....not to worry...... went for a lovely breaky on 5th and done a bit of shopping...:(...

so that was our BPM in a couple short paragraphs which are wonky, missed out loads.....so go see for yerself....like i said....we will be back for 2 weeks again nxt year....... this could easily be my new ibiza....before its totally conquered by europe..... best festival i have been to ...easy....

we had 4 days to chill after it which was magic..... and i would recommend a wee ferry over to the island of cozumel...we hired scooters and went round the island.....paradise this place.....miles of untouched beaches......

ill try add some pics from my laptop when im home

Mate, that sounds like some festival / holiday you had.8)8)

going to copy that and email my crowd, see what they think to it for next year....bugged out weekender is getting moved til late feb so we will have janauary free next year....(although people really want to go to movement in detroit so moeny prob needed for that..)

my only concern is the food over there...mexican is a bit too much/spicy for me, i'd probably be ill as well knowing my luck...nut the parties do sound fantastic, and when you add it up against ibiza....
(although people really want to go to movement in detroit so moeny prob needed for that..)

my only concern is the food over there...mexican is a bit too much/spicy for me, i'd probably be ill as well knowing my luck...but the parties do sound fantastic, and when you add it up against ibiza....

Movement vs BPM ? No brainer .... go to BPM !

I'm sure there will be plenty of International food there if you don't fancy Tortillas from the man in the Sombrero :lol:
Wot can i say, BPM blew me away....like Makka says ...... Ibiza minus the greed and rammed into 9 days........
i also found the atmosphere in the clubs 10 times better than Ibiza, people dont barge, knock u etc and if they did they would smile and apologise...even the staff working at the venues were brilliant..........so friendly, service with a smile :)

we will be back for 2 weeks again nxt year....... this could easily be my new ibiza....before its totally conquered by europe..... best festival i have been to ...easy....


^ Agreed

Im looking forward to it already...top top festival.....only did the 3 day opening but next year im doing the full 10 and im going to stay in playa instead of cancun...8)