Bora Bora "Spiderman" comes to London


"others are happy to except him as a mystery" :?

Who was the copywriter on this flyer!? It's about 10 paragraphs long too... a bit excessive for a party poster!
I can imagine all the Ibiza regulars trying desperately hard to explain to their friends what all the fuss is about in a 'you really did have to be there' kinda fashion.
at least spiderman is more entertaining than many suckers of a dj
who fly in with private jets

Don't entirely understand what this is meant to say but i'm guessing it's to do with people visiting clubs because of whatever 'superstar' DJ is playing?

I'm not really into any of that superstar DJ stuff and certainly wouldn't go out my way to see any, however, i'm guessing they're still more entertaining (for the fact they must be playing some kind of music) than a guy who is out his tits dancing around in a spiderman suit.
why is spiderman entertaining ? - tired fancy dress costume for 4 year olds, even fathers 4 justice got bored of the superhero schtik in the end.

if people must have visual distractions in clubs, get someone to fist a horse or a dwarf or Claire Manumission on stage or something and shock the evening standard - guaranteed publicity and notoriety for the ever
if people must have visual distractions in clubs, get someone to fist a horse or a dwarf or Claire Manumission on stage or something and shock the evening standard - guaranteed publicity and notoriety for the ever
Ugh... I'll never forget the time in uni when I saw a live sex show on stage at a gay club at the tender age of 18. I was traumatized for days (despite being very open-minded and gay friendly). On the plus side, I finally found out what men can do with Ben Wah balls.
watched a short film called Duo Balls once

was about a teacher who had stashed a set up her fud during a lesson

mildly entertaining