Bootlegs of parties of ibiza summer 2002


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Any advice to pick some bootlegs (house funky,progressive,trance & hard house) of parties of ibiza summer 2002.
Where to buy them at cheap price(so expensive in ibiza harbor?)Which R nice?quality of recording...price?
Last summer i bought 3 bootlegs in the streets to an english lad along san an bay(cream ibiza summer 2001,dave pearce euphoria & judgement sunday at 8 euros each one,4 :evil: last one there r some cuts & still don't know if they really come from this parties but 8) i needed some cd 4 my car)
Thanks..need info quickly coz monday i take my plane to barcelona b4 going to ibiza.( :p to kick some italian butt..i'm not racist but so many stories about their bad behaviour when trying to hit on football always doing trick ...... :confused:i only met 1 nice italian 2 years ago ;) & on the contrary italian girls very very very nice!!!!!!!
Dont buy any from around the west end or beaches!

People selling them will try to tell you they are from "last nights PVD's set at Amnesia" ect, but they are not they are total fakes! They even try selling them for Godskitchen at Eden when Eden dont even have the recording equipment