biggest dj name in ibiza

I would say in the grand scheme of things the Tongmeister is the biggest name dj in Ibiza. His is the name that everyone, whatever their interest level in dance music knows of.

A m8 organises parties in Jersey and booked all the usual suspect dj's and hadn't had a sell out crowd for a while. He decided to call in the tongmeister knowing that his name could pull in the punters. Result = sell out party, everyones happy.
I would probably say that the biggest name djing right now is

Ricardo Villalobos

that's a mighty 17 letters by my reckoning.

any advance?
i would say tong and morillo are up there.
Does oakenfold count as a resident? he is playing armada a lot this year.
Even if he isnt good anymore, he is still a recognizable name
Is Digweed playing a lot in Ibiza this year?

Edit, answer my own question. according to the calender he Played the Space opening, Space once more and Pacha once.

I'd love to see Digweed in Ibiza.

His set from Space last year on Radio 1 was amazing.
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After just coming back I would say that David Guetta seems to have the crown this year. He is playing (and filling) Pacha on a weekday and sometimes twice a week and also has slots lined up at other clubs this summer.

Pete Tong has the power but his battery is running out.

Most DJ's I liked I asked who they were and they were, bar 1, all local to Ibiza or Spain
Carl Cox would still be the biggest name in dance music along with Sasha.

I actually met Pete Tong briefly before when he played an an MTV party in Dublin and unlike some some DJ's who have a massive chip on their shoulder after they have made it big Tong was friendly and courteous which i found to be really cool that he still has time for his fans who made him what he is today, Carl Cox is the same an absolute gentleman.

Madness though 20k a gig for spinning a few records in a club, makes you wonder doesn't it, some people would be happy with that a YEAR:eek: anyway good luck to Pete Tong i always liked him even when others slated him,seen him a few weeks ago at the Beach Party ands he was rocking as usual.

It's crazy sh*t thesedays with the amount of money involved, when you think of the halcyon days of Acid House and Warehouse Raves,i don't think anyone would've predicted the scene would become as big as it has.
id say the majority of djs were probably getting paid a lot less these days than they were 6 or 7 years ago
i'd have to agree with you but still the scene remains bigger than it's just that it seems going back to its roots...acid sounds and stuff;)