Big Fat Gypsy Racing......


He or she on the left :confused:

And my particular favourite :eek:

WTF was she thinking :spank:
I saw this earlier, it's horrendous. My personal fave was the woman in the white backless dress showing us all her celulite. Nearly saw my breakfast again!

the worst past is, I bet all those women strutted out of the house thinking that they and their mates looked like sex and the city!
Questions for the ladies

Do you let your mates go out looking a site or do you say dear this would look better?
Questions for the ladies

Do you let your mates go out looking a site or do you say dear this would look better?

If my friend is happy wearing something that makes her look like an overgrown flamingo then props to her. Who am I to judge?

Although secretly on the inside I will be thinking "pfffnaahhhahahaa!!" :lol: