Best Time To Go To Ibiza?!?!?!

best time too

go i would say last 2 weeks in july, 1st 2 weeks in august.
or the closing party weeks in september.

july is the hottest.
august is the busyist time.

and september closing parties are great.

as for the west end i like it and find it to be the cheapist place too stay.
i agree that san an bay is nice and the walk along the see front is great.

Re: best time too

ksixty9 said:
go i would say last 2 weeks in july, 1st 2 weeks in august.
or the closing party weeks in september.

july is the hottest.
august is the busyist time.

and september closing parties are great.

as for the west end i like it and find it to be the cheapist place too stay.
i agree that san an bay is nice and the walk along the see front is great.


Nah, August is definately the hottest month :oops:

I've been once in July and it was much cooler in the evenings than August.
Been in june and july. Iwould say bout the 18th of June if going for two weeks its pretty hot but the opening party's are great they have so much atmosphere.
really? I was thinking of going in july cause i thought that would be the bussiest time... i wanna go when it's fun and there are alot of people.... how is manumissions' opening party
McRackin said:
McRackin said:
this is where san antonio finishes and san josé starts:
and from another point of view:
another picture:

Re: best time too

Drew said:
ksixty9 said:
go i would say last 2 weeks in july, 1st 2 weeks in august.
or the closing party weeks in september.

july is the hottest.
august is the busyist time.

and september closing parties are great.

as for the west end i like it and find it to be the cheapist place too stay.
i agree that san an bay is nice and the walk along the see front is great.


Nah, August is definately the hottest month :oops:

I've been once in July and it was much cooler in the evenings than August.

God.. last June was scorching.. i couldnt imagine July and August :oops: .. maybe it was just a hot year