Best time to get to DC10?

must confess i've been totally underwhelmed with dc10 this year so far. haven't gone to paradise yet (because of enter at space) and maybe pandemonium will be good (even though that's up against music on). but speaking of circo loco, this night is really a shadow of its own of what it once was. and this comes from a fond and honest dc10 lover!!! i mean, fair play, they book really good DJs week after week and it is just as busy as always, but if we're talking about the vibe, the atmosphere in that place...worlds apart if you compare to a few years ago. sitdowns? maybe two half-hearted attempts a night. crazy vibe and crazy things happening? zero. google any youtube vid from 2004-2008 and you'll see what i mean. the only set i liked on monday was squillace's in the main room, the terrace never really came to life IMO. it's a shame really, but at the moment it is circo MUY POCO loco. i wish it were different, but maybe it's just the times changing.
What do you put that down to nostrum?

hm. i think there are a few reasons.

first off, let's not forget dc10 (and thus also circo loco) started as an afterhours. when i started going to dc10, probably half of the people (if not more) in the place still hadn't gone to sleep from the night before. this fact alone is worth a lot and was (at least partly) responsible for the special vibe there used to be.

then i think (and this had been discussed on here before) they got a victim of their own success. it's a fact, the crowd is a different one today. i'm not judging though. but if you have a look at how "normal" this place is today (hardly any fancy dresses anymore, the aforementioned sitdowns, people chatting instead of going wild on the dance floor etc etc) and how special and unique it used to be, it is quite obvious the crowd changed largely.
maybe, this year it is also down to the fact that so far, the island has been less frequented by the spanish and italian. i don't have any numbers to prove this, it's just a feeling (and also a logical consequence of economical statuses). southern europeans just party different, fact.

then there's the music. don't get me wrong, the music is mostly still good. sometimes a bit average, but then again really good sometimes. but again, if you compare to the say 2004-2008 period, where IMO the dc10 sound was only available at dc10 and nowhere else on the island, today it is a completely different ball game. you can hear the same tunes at the kehakuma terrace at enter, at viva, diynamic and carnival at sankeys, sometimes at cocoon, underground etc. in my opinion, the music is just too...soft, too mellow for what dc10 used to be for me personally. if the music were a bit edgier, i'm quite sure the vibe would be more energetic (that's not really rocket science is it?).

as i said, i still really like the place. just haven't been satisfied with it this year yet.
maybe, this year it is also down to the fact that so far, the island has been less frequented by the spanish and italian. i don't have any numbers to prove this, it's just a feeling (and also a logical consequence of economical statuses). southern europeans just party different, fact.

I think there's a lot in this ... but for me Circo Loco was well on the way to where it seems to be now by the end of last Season :!: (and had been going well downhill for some considerable time before that ... so definitely not all down to the demographic of the crowd mix and probably some of the other stuff you mention above).
hm. i think there are a few reasons.

first off, let's not forget dc10 (and thus also circo loco) started as an afterhours. when i started going to dc10, probably half of the people (if not more) in the place still hadn't gone to sleep from the night before. this fact alone is worth a lot and was (at least partly) responsible for the special vibe there used to be.

then i think (and this had been discussed on here before) they got a victim of their own success. it's a fact, the crowd is a different one today. i'm not judging though. but if you have a look at how "normal" this place is today (hardly any fancy dresses anymore, the aforementioned sitdowns, people chatting instead of going wild on the dance floor etc etc) and how special and unique it used to be, it is quite obvious the crowd changed largely.
maybe, this year it is also down to the fact that so far, the island has been less frequented by the spanish and italian. i don't have any numbers to prove this, it's just a feeling (and also a logical consequence of economical statuses). southern europeans just party different, fact.

then there's the music. don't get me wrong, the music is mostly still good. sometimes a bit average, but then again really good sometimes. but again, if you compare to the say 2004-2008 period, where IMO the dc10 sound was only available at dc10 and nowhere else on the island, today it is a completely different ball game. you can hear the same tunes at the kehakuma terrace at enter, at viva, diynamic and carnival at sankeys, sometimes at cocoon, underground etc. in my opinion, the music is just too...soft, too mellow for what dc10 used to be for me personally. if the music were a bit edgier, i'm quite sure the vibe would be more energetic (that's not really rocket science is it?).

as i said, i still really like the place. just haven't been satisfied with it this year yet.

Some interesting points and you are probably spot on. I think I've read the statistics on this site actually which prove there are fewer Italians/Spanish in Ibiza this year, so that is definitely a factor.

Although, as other people have said, it has perhaps been heading this way for a few years now. I suppose a main part of the problem is that this genre of music has grown and grown in popularity in recent years, you only have to look at this site for evidence of that. And other events are having the same problem, such as Zoo Project. Word soon spreads if an underground event is successful and then the inevitable happens (every man and his dog wants to go).

DC10 is still the one main event I've never done on the White Isle - but I'll be at the closing party in October when we fly over again. Looking forward to seeing what the fuss is about and I'm sure I'll love it, even though I can't help but feel I perhaps missed the boat with this one.
DC10 is still the one main event I've never done on the White Isle - but I'll be at the closing party in October when we fly over again. Looking forward to seeing what the fuss is about and I'm sure I'll love it, even though I can't help but feel I perhaps missed the boat with this one.

There are several different parties at DC-10 and Circo Loco is only one of them. Pandemonium nights can be really good musically, a bit edgier, but the terrace isn't open.

Elrow @ Privilege is far closer to the old DC-10 vibe than Circo Loco nowadays - and party paraphenalia is laid on to save relying on people bringing their own, to make sure it stays that way as long as possible. So if it's the venue you want to see by all means go to DC-10. If it's the 'vibe' of old which interests you more I suggest you give Saturdays @ Vista Club a go instead :!:
I still had a great time at Circo Loco last week. Up there with Enter as my favourite night.

Maybe its the fact its the only daytime proper club you can still go to (Ushuaia wasn't for me), even if it only gets busy towards the last few hours of daylight.

Ellen Allien and Laura Jone's sets were outstanding in my view
DC 10 is a totally different place from before it closed and re-opened. The music and crowd now are the opposite to what circo loco and the club were about in my opinion. Mind you I suppose they had to make the changes to shake off the druggy image they had before and continue.

This review on the voice might as well be describing a different club and it was only written 5 years ago.
think that was the first time i went that year they put the glass in. def were a much wider spectrum of characters and things were far more 'open' shall we say :)

yeah its changed but i still have fun there personally. i tend not to stay too late tho cant deal with how packed it gets myself