Best Places to Pre-Drink?


New Member
This will be my first time in Ibiza, and I've heard countless stories of the insane prices on drinks at clubs. I know I'll still end up getting more than a couple of drinks at the clubs during the night, but I am still planning on drinking during the day and especially before entering the clubs.

We're going to be staying in Playa D'en Bossa right near the beach. Is there any good/cheap bars where I can get a couple of good drinks?

Also do you guys recommend buying alcohol before coming to Ibiza? or is there a place where I can buy a couple of bottles and bring them to our room?

Thanks and I can't wait to visit the beautiful island!
Firstly do not bother bringing beer/spirits to ibiza, there are lots of places to buy it in pdb. However the shops around the main area, bora bora etc are slightly dearer than normal shops, but still miles cheaper than the bars/clubs.

The bars playing good music and providing the meeting point of music lovers do need supporting every so often though;)

Some friends were travelling out about 10 years ago and were told ibiza was running out of red bull! They travelled with 3 or 4 crates:spank: No lie, as they left the airport they passed one of them cars advertising red bull with a massive can on top- all the bars had red bull.....
Hmm interesting...What about buying at the airport when we land?

That redbull story is hilarious..they must have felt so damn stupid ha.
I arrived once arrived with several hundred Mick Mills as i heard they had ran out. Felt damn stupid aswell..

Once knew a lad who took an oscar of snow with him shoved up his shiter because he heard a similar story to yours.

Granted everything probably arrives having been somewhere similar but his mates wouldnt touch a drop knowing where it'd been!!:eek::eek::eek:
This will be my first time in Ibiza, and I've heard countless stories of the insane prices on drinks at clubs. I know I'll still end up getting more than a couple of drinks at the clubs during the night, but I am still planning on drinking during the day and especially before entering the clubs.

We're going to be staying in Playa D'en Bossa right near the beach. Is there any good/cheap bars where I can get a couple of good drinks?

Also do you guys recommend buying alcohol before coming to Ibiza? or is there a place where I can buy a couple of bottles and bring them to our room?

Thanks and I can't wait to visit the beautiful island!

Best place to drink would be San Antonio.
The bar opposite sankeys is alright, 2-4-1 cocktails and that. Wouldn't recommend bora bora for pre drinks as pretty much same prices as clubs.
Interesting that no one can really say a decent place for pre drinks in PDB?
The bar opposite sankeys is alright, 2-4-1 cocktails and that. Wouldn't recommend bora bora for pre drinks as pretty much same prices as clubs.

Yes! Top bar and handy little spot. Purely anecdotal but have noticed when I have come out of there and gone into Sankeys, security paid a bit of attention to me on the way, could be paranoia though...

Problem with a lot of PDB is the noise restrictions. Never really had a good pre drinking spot on PDB, so normally load up in hotel till midnight, couple of bars for a few more roll 1-2am and then out
Interesting that no one can really say a decent place for pre drinks in PDB?

To be fair, that red bull bar half way down the road headed sea-ward between Moorea and Ushuaia is nice and I always feel relaxed/at home sat outside. Like being in a little safe refuge from the surrounding hideousness.

Not the cheapest bar but not stupidly expensive either, has 241 and proper vodka / spirits, not re-bottled paintstripper.... Buggered if I can ever remember the name of it. Which is crazy as from the year it opened (all a blur) I pretty much always went there before Space (and the VERY occasional foray into Ushuaia) if early enough. Alternative is to just make up Vodka Redbulls from a bottle & cans in the car in Space Car Park, like back in the good old days - the smell lingers for at least a day. Oh the memories :lol:
Yes! Top bar and handy little spot. Purely anecdotal but have noticed when I have come out of there and gone into Sankeys, security paid a bit of attention to me on the way, could be paranoia though...

Problem with a lot of PDB is the noise restrictions. Never really had a good pre drinking spot on PDB, so normally load up in hotel till midnight, couple of bars for a few more roll 1-2am and then out
That bar Is red hot. .avoid like the plague. .
I stayed in pdb a few years and never pre drank in a bar anytime. Pre drink to me is spirits and tunes in the hotel room.
Drinking beers from the supermarket on the beach in the evening is probably the best thing to do in PDB..
as much as Dirk is on a mission to put down PDB , he is actually right. There are a few ok places but theres no real 'pre party' drinking places you might be thinking of and thats just a fact. Tantra bar is closest u might finds and not the cheapest. As ppl have said , if in pdb get to the beach with your own carry out n make some friends I'd say