Its probably been asked, But this is my First time on the Board and I'm booking my Holiday at the end of the month and I was wondering Where is the best place to Stay???
I won't know where anything ios so I don't want to get Bullshitted to at the Travel Agents, I'm looking to spend about 600/700 Pound on Accomadation, I want about a 3 star Hotel(Anything with Air-Conditioning Really), But its really about Location, Ain't it???
Someone told me to stay at the Bay, Cos its a bit Cleaner and that, But is it quite far from everything???
Someone help me out please, I know I sound like an idiot, But I ain't never been, So I would appreciate someonhes Help, you never know we could be out there together and I'll Sort you out Back(Nothing Sexual Though Fella's , But Ladies you never know what I'll Do )
Someone please Help!!!
I won't know where anything ios so I don't want to get Bullshitted to at the Travel Agents, I'm looking to spend about 600/700 Pound on Accomadation, I want about a 3 star Hotel(Anything with Air-Conditioning Really), But its really about Location, Ain't it???
Someone told me to stay at the Bay, Cos its a bit Cleaner and that, But is it quite far from everything???
Someone help me out please, I know I sound like an idiot, But I ain't never been, So I would appreciate someonhes Help, you never know we could be out there together and I'll Sort you out Back(Nothing Sexual Though Fella's , But Ladies you never know what I'll Do )
Someone please Help!!!