Best bars in San An


New Member
Firstly, Hi! regular reader of the forums and has provided a lot of useful info so decided to join the forum

had a question about what people thought were the best bars in San An? (Excluding mambo etc), just down the west end

reason i ask is because when we go away, whether it be ibiza or anywhere else, we usually dont spend a lot of time in the bars down the strips because always conscious about watered down drinks etc.

but wondered if you guys knew of any genuinely good bars down the west end that serve good value, strong drinks and is also a half decent venue cause feel we may be missing out on something by not spending more time down the strip!
Can't say I rate many bars in the West End, at the end of the day they're focused on making as much money as possible out of as many tourists as possible...BIG FAN of Entice though, I will regularly go there.

Rumours about watered down drinks are always going to be around, but I've worked in many bars in the West End and I've never been asked to do this or witnessed anyone else doing it. If you want stronger drinks, ask for no ice, when it's 30 degrees in the middle of summer then ice melts quickly and drinks tend to taste 'watered down' - as they now are!
You'll find me in there often jackmontandon! Same reason - OK Corral shut and Lou moved to Entice so always pop in for a few drinks and to say hello!

I have a few other favourite small pubby type of bars with an OK Corral atmosphere too but most of them not on the West End!

Flower Power at Entice was a brilliant atmosphere, kind of sad I cant go out there this weekend now!
Yeah I moved over there as I recognized staff from Ok Corral, still can't believe its no more! Will be back there each night September time!
yea big shout out to Entice and Itaca, there's a local Spanish bar near where I lived last summer which is really cool. Small inside area which opens out to the back. Really nice outside area with cool seats and even a palm tree. Only ever seen Spanish people in there when we went in which I loved! Don't even know what its called!
Based on your votes guys; entice it is. I think ll lose my mind by the time I am supposed to hit ibiza,,, CANT WAIT
Can't say I rate many bars in the West End, at the end of the day they're focused on making as much money as possible out of as many tourists as possible...BIG FAN of Entice though, I will regularly go there.

Rumours about watered down drinks are always going to be around, but I've worked in many bars in the West End and I've never been asked to do this or witnessed anyone else doing it. If you want stronger drinks, ask for no ice, when it's 30 degrees in the middle of summer then ice melts quickly and drinks tend to taste 'watered down' - as they now are!

Can't say i've ever had a watered down drink in the West End either, they are in fact a lot stronger than UK measures as barely any of the bar staff bother to measure the spirits! of course you always risk it more in bars where its table service and you can't see the drinks being poured, and with cocktails, but the same applies everywhere.

to the OP: the cheaper bars tend to be the ones just off the main strip, and use the PR's to your advantage, quite often you will get 2 or 3 all trying to get you in, so get them to make you their best offer!

As for bars, I like The Highlander (I'm not even Scottish!) and Capones at the top of the hill, both have been in the West End for a long time.

Haven't tried Entice but will give it a go this summer after reading this.
do you mean the one that has tables in the alley next to the bar? if you do no its not that one but it's near there