Bank Holiday Weekend Plans

Tonight - Hopefully make it to London for The Hydra : Ostgut Ton (donated by Minimarc ... so I am feeling the need to do him justice)

Saturday - Pop back to the West Country to pack and try to stow luggage at Gatwick airport in advance of flight early Sunday morning. Then dump car at Heathrow and head into town for Superfreq 25th Anniversary w/Mr C, Eddie Richards, Luke vB.

Sunday - Straight from Superfreq to Gatwick on the 1st Gatwick Express for early morning flight to Ibiza.

Monday / Tuesday - In Ibiza

Wednesday - Travel through the night via Madrid back to Heathrow for 8.30am. Gonna be a crumpled heap :lol:
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Tonight - Hopefully make it to London for The Hydra : Ostgut Ton (donated by Minimarc ... so I am feeling the need to do him justice)

Saturday - Pop back to the West Country to pack and try to stow luggage at Gatwick airport in advance of flight early Sunday morning. Then dump car at Heathrow and head into town for Superfreq 25th Anniversary w/Mr C, Eddie Richards, Luke vB.

Sunday - Straight from Superfreq to Gatwick on the 1st Gatwick Express for early morning flight to Ibiza.

Monday / Tuesday - In Ibiza

Again?! Will have to try and meet for a beer!
Ooh.. that reminds me. Still need to send Richard an email. Say hello for me.

I hate you :evil:

Will do - think he liked his Chelsea hospitality ;) Don't hate - get on a plane and come join us this weekend .. never too late :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
sunday morning, early start, take my 7 year old son fishing somewhere near cala mastella, back to pick up the rest of the family then off for lunch with friends on either cala llonga or cala martina. Hoping it will be cala martina so I can nail windsurfing. Can do straight lines but haven't been able to turn yet.
note to self..Back to the Uk on friday so must nail windsurfing.
Been a dull couple of day for me, Friday & Saturday, as far as bank holidays go, but it's okay because today is the day I have been waiting for for ages!

Saved in my back yard, and party kicks-off at 5pm with David Squillace!

Time for a few beers beforehand and the sun is out nicely.

Tomorrow will be a write-off, but I'm cool with that! 8)
Went here yesterday:

Awesome. Simple awesome. Not a surprise with that line-up, granted.

Best part of the night - Steve Angello showing up to perform! And he played a complete tech house set too! Didn't realise he used 'Mescal Kid' as an alternate recording name.

Seriously though, his mixing was 100% live and faultless. No cheesey records in sight either. And from what I heard after from a friend who is the lightjock was that he was very down to earth, no sense of self-importance.

Just goes to show that there is life after SHM. Also proves that just because the Swedes cater to a commercial market it shouldn't take away any of their credibility as individuals.
Great weekend:

Friday: Went to my local pub

Sat: Watched Brighton DESTROY Barnsley 5-1

Sun: Went to 'Stick it on' at King & Queen pub in Brighton

Today: Watching TV and films all day with a hangover under the duvet

Wednesday - Travel through the night via Madrid back to Heathrow for 8.30am. Gonna be a crumpled heap :lol:

I am indeed a crumpled heap. Limping back home in short bursts having power naps in virtually every service station along the way. Landed at half eight this morning still not back :spank: