Bank Holiday Weekend Plans


Active Member
Hi thread yet?

I'll go then......

Tonight - not a lot really. Looking after the new puppy that we have just got!

Tomorrow - mates babies christening early doors, then the pub for the christening party. Then off to Liverpool where my night (Luna) is on, should be a good one.

Sunday - mates birthday so back into Liverpool for food, drinks and then some more of those electronic beats as we head to mUmU.

Monday - Recover!
Hectic one.

Today - day off for a mate's wedding

Tomorrow - First home game of the season, Southampton vs Wigan. Pub for 10am :spank:

Sunday - Big group of old friends getting together, BBQ if the weather is good. It won't be, so more than likely find a nice pub. Trying to avoid getting dragged into going to Junk in Southampton for Hospitality Records with High Contrast. Trying to behave till Ibiza.

Monday - Chill, work on car as it's playing up, gym to work off all those alcohol calories from the weekend.
Crazy busy at work today (yet am on here - go figure :lol:)

Tomorrow - going on a traditional Native American style sweat lodge. Should be amazing.

Sunday - either secretsundaze, carnival or horsemeat.

Monday - guinness, bloody mary, guinness etc
Off to Leeds on Sunday for The Faversham Garden Party.

Art Department, Todd Terje, Miguel Campbell and Paul Woolford.

Really looking forward to it!
Tonight: Night out in Derby... should be interesting. A new town if nothing else :lol:

Tomorrow: House party in Derby.

Sunday: DJing at the Howard in Sheffield (5pm-6pm... warm up slot!)
No bank holiday here, of course.

I will just be drinking heavily at various bars tonight.
Might finally get around to checking out this club Pravda. Sebastian Leger and Tigerskin headlining there.

Probably Crisis Genre for live music on Saturday night.

Will watch some football at some point.

Might go to Mobilee records showcase at Gipsy on Sunday (simultaneous with parties in Barca & Berlin)
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Tonight it's our leaving drinks before we head of to south america for 3 months.

Ostgut Ton night in east london with Marcel Dettmann.. quite an underground night by my standard!
A very quiet August bank holiday for me compared to normal this year. Due to a combination of loads of mates being away in South Africa plus trying to conserve funds for Ibiza in 2 weeks time.

Tonight - doing the unheard of and staying in

Saturday - some of the Ibiza crew coming round to mine for dinner, tunes and general smashage.

Sunday - May pop out to Northern Quarter street parties depending on the weather. Later off to Lost and Found at Moho Live (old skool night). This is conveniently located about a minutes walk from my flat.

Monday - Mates birthday drinks session in the afternoon.

Have a good one people :)
Very little by the looks of it.

Quiet night in tonight.

Heading into Manchester tomorrow to pick up some stuff for Ibiza. May as well get it out the way otherwise next weekend is the only other time I'll have to do it.

Sunday - laying pretty low again. Still technically recovering from torn ligaments in my ankle so any sporting endeavours are more or less put on hold.

Monday - really need to start editing a mates wedding video I shot a few weeks back so that will be the vast majority of that day.
my first august bank holiday with no plans at all!!
Recently booked a week in ibiza so not got cash to chuck around.
Sunday will be drinking session somewhere i'd imagine.

Had a ticket for the Ostgut party tonight which i got for a fiver but have donated it to a worthy rave warrior instead
Tonight - fly to Ibiza, pick up hire car, drive to 5* Spa jobby in St Eularia

Sat - Morning by the pool, exploring in the afternoon, dinner somewhere nice in the evening

Sun - Beach somewhere, nice lunch, nice early, dinner, maybe drop preggers missus to her Brother and Sis-in-law then Space

Monday - home at some point then recovery by pool

Tuesday - TBA

Wednesday - TBA

Thursday - TBA Night fly hom2
Tonight - Do absolutely nothing

Tomorrow - Train to West Wales, visit parents, then back to the big smoke.

Sunday - Step up the training for the beach body

Monday - Food shopping, training again, watch movies.
Tonight - Work, get drunk, maybe chill on the beach and go for an early morning swim
Tomorrow - day party at ushuaia for some Sony Promo event, play with some gadgets, sunbathe, chill and tan
Sunday - fancy Space, need to find someone to drag :)
Monday - Privilege :)
Tonight: bit of poker with the lads hopefully win some money for saturday

Saturday: Well up for this one, kerri Chandler headlining the re-opening of Club Warehouse in London, heard they've installed the best function 1 sound system in london so should be a banger. Saw Kerri Chandler for the first time at Eastern Electrics festival, one of the best sets i've heard with out a doubt. Check this vid:

Sunday: Gonna be in bed listening to Miguel Campbells essential mix, defo gonna be the best mix of the year so far.
Monday- NYC 4nts........ Staying at Pod 51..anyone ever stayed there.?
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