Bank Card (Cash Machine Fraud In Ibiza) Mmmmmmm

Sy said:
shit we go on fri and we are both taking cards.... not sure what to do now :(

As I say I would still take a card, I think its far better as:

Anything happens, your covered.
You don't have to constantly cash anything.
Its cheaper :P
StevieG said:
Sy said:
shit we go on fri and we are both taking cards.... not sure what to do now :(

As I say I would still take a card, I think its far better as:

Anything happens, your covered.
You don't have to constantly cash anything.
Its cheaper :P

completely agree, don't worry about it, just be cautious
what am i exactly looking out for? cameras? ppl watching me? never had any probs the last 5 yrs doign it this way.