All inclusive resorts in Ibiza?

I'm not sure why that's such a big deal either way.

Most hotels i've stayed at have offered a surcharge to be able to drink as much as you want from the bar (non imports:lol:), or to have breakfast lunch and dinner at the same hotel for extra.

But it's not of interest. As I'm sure it's not to mist on here.

For those who are turned on by that sort of thing, they'll be in the resorts all the time anyway - so what impact will that have?

And as for restaurants and cafe's suffering, surely the majority of punters opting for all inclusive deals, will be new tourists to Ibiza entirely, attracted by the "all inclusive" offers. They may come back the following year and stay in a non- all inclusive hotel after their initial introduction to Ibiza.

Could it be a good opportunity for the island overall?
Honestly when the kid knocked on the door and said that - we were like "WTF - its like a scene from National Lampoons Animal House when they are sitting in the bath with Donald Sutherland and the kid says "can i buy some pot from you" to the lecturer..... you couldnt make it up....:eek:

When we finally got downstairs that night to get some food - Phil just stopped dead at the bar door after we had stuffed our faces on horrid but much needed food and said "Steph i seriously cant go to the bar - someone might ask me something really difficult like "do you want ice with that sir?" we just lost it and had to run away and calm down for about 15 mins before we could go back.....

Its a bit of a tricky one really, just all depends on what you want out of a holiday.

Mine and my best pals first trip to Ibiza 2 years ago - we opted for all inclusive as she has only ever been on all inclusive holidays (except for one with my parents when we were 16 :lol:) but we just went for it anyway. In a way it really suited us as all we wanted to do out there was get involved in the clubbing side of it so to speak. We also wanted to be out the way of the rowdiness of San An so we stayed in the Barcelo in Port Des Torrent. It suited us fine because all we wanted to do all day was sleep & sunbathe, we would do that, have some food, sleep sunbathe, then get ready, fill up on the drinks (all drinks available from spirits to beers etc) until 1130 then head to whatever night we were going to. We also went out to the beach on the odd day for a change of scenery and just got back for food etc. We rarely drunk during the day (alcohol I mean) but it was handy having as much water and soft drinks you liked to help you rehydrate so to speak!

It was full of families, we were 1 of 2 english parties there as well. And you did find like someone else said in this thread that all the families spent all their time in the resort and mixed with other families/ate there every night/joined in the entertainment etc because there was so much going on to keep you entertained. It wasnt a massive resort either like you get in Mexico/America etc etc, only had the one complex.

We really enjoyed it. This year we ended up going half board which was also good in a way as we spent every day on the beach. I think just for the atmosphere of our holiday it suited us fine as we werent into exploring much but I do think for another type of holiday say with a partner self catering would be the way forward as it gives you more to do then just eat sleep sunbathe. And like my dad always says about holidays it is nice to try all the different places available :lol:
I think it would be stupid and arrogant to ignore this part of the tourist market as there is obviously a demand for it, If it brings people to the Island that would go elsewhere surely that is better ? I have been on a few to the Caribbean and if you have children, just want to sit and slob by the pool or on a limited budget they are perfect,
Perhaps the way forward is to look at them and see how the local shop`s/ bars etc can earn a few € from their customers usually limited budget,
Don`t forget that the all inc hotel would actually prefer their guest`s to be out, not eating and drinking if at all possible, find a way to use that,
How about a voucher system , You get tickets for cut price or free basic meals at local restaurant's or so many free beers at a bar, just enough to get you out, but you always end up spending a little more and if it`s good, returning for a "full price" meal,
The hotel has a deal to pay cut price for the food / drinks and as every guest gets the voucher`s the bar etc gets good quality free advertising,

Have a good one

PS , Jamaica NYE a few years ago, met some Shetland Island fishermen and their new wives at the bar, went back to their room around 6 when the bar shut to carry on partying, had to go back to our room to get supplies, Me and my very drunk new friend make the long journey , down in the lift, across from virtually identical block A to block B up to my room, 10 Min's of drunken stupidity trying to get the credit card type key to open the door, we figured out " we must have the wrong key" ( no numbers on them , they all look the same ) must have picked up his key, so off down in the lift , across to the other block, try to get in his room with the key ,,, it don`t fit ?? oh well , get every key we can find, off back to our room, more stupidity for 10 Min's, nope none of them fit, down to reception, get new key, back off to room again, more stupidity, nope this new one don`t fit either, Back off to reception, " this key don`t fit " they give us another new key, back up to room, nope still no good ???? back to reception again, Then the Girl turns round and says, Why do you keep going to block A when your room is in B ? We had been getting out the lift, walking round the outside of the building and back in the same lift :spank: funny thing was , when me and the wife went back to our room later , we did exactly the same thing but actually managed to wake the people in the room up as we were a bit loud by then, :oops:
oh please please please no..... I'm going on a holiday with the in-law's this summer...they want to go to an inclusive hotel....they don't care where!? I'm in a real predictament.....Could I convince them that Ibiza was where they wanted to go? Would I want to at the thought of being stuck at AI in Ibiza? They'd probably rumble my not so subtle plan anyway!?! It makes sense for the kids I spose! Think I'm gonna try anyway.... I really don't think I save with any conviction at the thought of going to bloody Turkey!

Either way I'm going in September!
All inclusive

I take all AI holidays all the time. I am a bit lazy and enjoy the ability to have meals or drinks that are there in the hotel. I hate to wander when i'm hungover. I spend money in resteraunt bars and the like even with my all inclusive. All sorts of holiday travelers that are not all inclusive spend little or no money on holiday. I take golf AI's all the time for the golf (play included) but spend money outside hotel on drinks/food and clubbing. You can find cheap bastards anywhere. I use my AI as a start not an end of my vacation fun. If think of it anyone who arrives at a vacation destination has already put money/jobs in the local enconomy even if they don't spend a dime. AI hotels are not the end of the world or Ibiza; just like closing at 6 am won't kill Ibiza. The sky is not fallin' even if chicken little says so. IMO

More All-Inclusive

The regional managing director of TUI travel, Volker Böttcher,
sparked controversy at the ITB International Tourism Fair in Berlin,
by demanding more "all inclusive" hotels on the island.

He made the statement while revealing that tourist predictions
for the coming season were very similar to 2007.
He added that while numbers were, at present, slightly down,
the archetypal German tourist visiting the island was changing,
with a much more younger traveller now more popular,
a group who were prone to booking last-minute,
making year-on-year comparisons very difficult.

However, he said that the market in general was looking for more
"all-inclusive" establishments, and Ibiza would need to offer extra
if it was to continue to remain a popular choice with the German market.

The managing director of Alltours, Peter Wennel, predicted a 2 per cent increase
in the number of German arrivals to the island for this summer.
However, he agreed with his counterpart and said the island needed to offer
more "all inclusive" beds if it was going to continue to flourish.
He also warned hoteliers they would need to start investing more and be more
competitive with their pricing if they were going to keep up with Majorca,
who were set to receive 6 per cent more Germans in 2008.

The president of the Balearic Government, Francesc Antich, claimed he was happy
with the forecasts for this summer, adding that he had taken on board
what the main tour operators had said concerning more winter activities
on the island to try and attract more out of season tourism.

He also urged hoteliers to try and remain competitive with their prices to ensure
the months of April, May, June and October continued to be busy.
I have done one first inclusive and that was in Ibiza, we really enjoyed it for the fact of daytime was laying round the pool and the evening was all about going out seeing what was going on.

Unless you really really want to explore or enjoy trying different restaurants etc then all inclusive is not too bad.

Definitely didnt ruin my holiday to Ibiza.