Bad Reactions to Mozzie bites... Help!


Active Member
I posted this in the Holiday Forum but thought I would post here too.....

Any helpful hints with this subject?

Phil suffers really badly with Mosquitoe bites - his arms and legs swell up on initial bite and its like his arms suddenly retain water around the bite site, with a massive hard lump in the middle - quite horrid to look at and itchy as hell. I dont get bitten but he suffers every year and we normally have to go to a chemist and get some antibiotic cream for him, along with anti histamines.

We buy the recommended sprays/creams containing DEET and the usual anti histamine drugs over the counter here and take them with us, but I wondered if anyone has a better solution, is there anything he can do before the holiday to make the bites less of a pain than they are, I am frightened they get infected or something when he is out there so really just looking for any ideas (no matter how bizarre) on avoiding the trauma for him ...
I have the same reaction with knat bites - well not as severe as what it sounds like it is for Phil but mine come up with all water around them and go rock hard. Can be like that for days. Actually looks like a lump on my legs when its so bad.

Not very nice. I end up using Anthisan for that which is only a cream.

Have you thought about some kind of allergy tablet he could take before he goes?

I know its a different principle but my friend always takes Piriton a few weeks before going to keep her *****ly heat down but surely there could be something similar for bite sufferers?
I have the same reaction with knat bites - well not as severe as what it sounds like it is for Phil but mine come up with all water around them and go rock hard. Can be like that for days. Actually looks like a lump on my legs when its so bad.

Not very nice. I end up using Anthisan for that which is only a cream.

Have you thought about some kind of allergy tablet he could take before he goes?

I know its a different principle but my friend always takes Piriton a few weeks before going to keep her *****ly heat down but surely there could be something similar for bite sufferers?

Sounds exactly like Phil's - poor sod I feel bad cos I dont get bitten. I might speak to the Dr and find out it they have anything they can prescribe for him or whether as you suggest, taking antihistamine tablets prior to the holiday will help....

Cheers chick xx
rub some of boots own repellent on him before he goes out.

a touch on the back of the neck, arms, and legs should suffice. also spray repellent on the bedposts etc...

also, close off yr doors and windows when you got out, and fumigate the room - esp under the bed and behind furniture.

you should be mozzie free by the time you return, thats unless you open the windows and doors again and fall asleep.
rub some of boots own repellent on him before he goes out.

a touch on the back of the neck, arms, and legs should suffice. also spray repellent on the bedposts etc...

also, close off yr doors and windows when you got out, and fumigate the room - esp under the bed and behind furniture.

you should be mozzie free by the time you return, thats unless you open the windows and doors again and fall asleep.

We have those plug in things which work quite well for the villa but I am more concerned with when we go out to restaurants / bars- we have to eat / drink inside cos an outside table is just a nightmare - I am determined this year that I will find something which will help him - its my mission!!!! :lol::lol:
take lots of narcotics. It seriously works. But not advisable...

I suffer from this really badly!

another suggestion is rub lemon juice on your body
We have those plug in things which work quite well for the villa but I am more concerned with when we go out to restaurants / bars- we have to eat / drink inside cos an outside table is just a nightmare - I am determined this year that I will find something which will help him - its my mission!!!! :lol::lol:

boots own brand.

it smells a bit sweet, but is effective!
take lots of narcotics. It seriously works. But not advisable...

I suffer from this really badly!

another suggestion is rub lemon juice on your body

Tried and tested (a lot!! - in various chemicle mixes and amounts) Still get bitten - :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
Sounds exactly like Phil's - poor sod I feel bad cos I dont get bitten. I might speak to the Dr and find out it they have anything they can prescribe for him or whether as you suggest, taking antihistamine tablets prior to the holiday will help....

Cheers chick xx

Yes go to the docs, they are bound to give you something better/stronger then what you can get in just Boots or a chemist.

I normally dip myself in warm toffee. Its effective in that the little blighters stick to the sweet substance before they reach the skin. Also, if they don't have a sweet tooth, they are kept at bay. Happy days!

Just remember that the cold hard toffee may pull hairs of all kinds from your body upon removal.
i have a really good tip...

my husband used to be exactly the same - huuuuuge bites would swell up to about 10cm diameter. NOT what you want on your holidays. anyway, we tried all the plug ins and sprays on the market, which didn't really work. He went to the doctor, and they suggested he try taking vitamin B for a couple of weeks before the trip, and while away. I don't know how they work but they really made a difference and now he doesn't get bad reactions at all.

any old vitamin B tablets from boots do the trick. take one or 2 a day, and don't worry about exceeding the does - that's kind of what you want to do!

and yeah, still use repellant at night. :D
i have a really good tip...

my husband used to be exactly the same - huuuuuge bites would swell up to about 10cm diameter. NOT what you want on your holidays. anyway, we tried all the plug ins and sprays on the market, which didn't really work. He went to the doctor, and they suggested he try taking vitamin B for a couple of weeks before the trip, and while away. I don't know how they work but they really made a difference and now he doesn't get bad reactions at all.

any old vitamin B tablets from boots do the trick. take one or 2 a day, and don't worry about exceeding the does - that's kind of what you want to do!

and yeah, still use repellant at night. :D

I have read this and it is one of my top tips for the list - I am also gonna buy antihistamines for him to take prior to the hols to - and see how he fares with that....

Cheers Mitsi - x