Bad batch of MDMA/Ecstacy in London

not aware of any deaths but there have been far stronger pills going round in bristol luckily people i know are being relatively sensible and not double dropping etc that being said there have been some strong orange pills going around that have been making people really sick shocking come downs shakes sweating etc, i would recommend people staying clear of them, sorry dont know what they are called

Mate of mine had some of those orange ones last weekend, said they did the trick but the comedown was awful:eek: glad I didn't try them!! as didnt like the look of them anyway!
not aware of any deaths but there have been far stronger pills going round in bristol luckily people i know are being relatively sensible and not double dropping etc that being said there have been some strong orange pills going around that have been making people really sick shocking come downs shakes sweating etc, i would recommend people staying clear of them, sorry dont know what they are called

Strongest pills I've known of doing the rounds recently were ~180mg MDMA. Maybe people have been so used to weak/bunk pills for so long that they've adopted a careless attitude and that's causing problems. That said, although too much MDMA can quickly become unpleasant, I think you'd need a fair old amount to become seriously ill?
Have to say its pretty decent stuff over on the island when I was there. volkswagons pills I dropped and had the time of my life on them, the crash the next day was **** though, couldn't eat anything and hardly got out of bed.
When we was over there we had some called 'Golden Amber Leaf' or 'Golden Leaf'. They were strong, well the strongest i have ever had and the comedown next day was fine. After 7 days on them we all began to get a little bit dodgy/paranoid when we was back home. :rolleyes:
7 days on anything though and you'd be feeling rough and paranoid!

My mates done a 4 day stag to Tenerife and you should have seen the state of them when they got back, purley on booze!
7 days on anything though and you'd be feeling rough and paranoid!

My mates done a 4 day stag to Tenerife and you should have seen the state of them when they got back, purley on booze!

I went on a 2 week bender in Ibiza was not normal for a month