Bad batch of MDMA/Ecstacy in London

Two critical after taking MDMA in Fabric on Saturday night. Bit worrying, I had about 10 mates in Fabric on Saturday, better get in touch with them! :eek:

Sorry to hear that, and that they were at risk.. :arrow:

Certainly wasn't anything much flying around Global on Saturday that could have caused concerned from what I saw - only 3 people keeling over in the middle of the dancing melay the whole night.. must be a record !! Asked if I had any pills 11 times at Ministry w/end before last and close to that on Saturday by people who said they'd seen me dancing ...... etc etc....

What I don't really get is ... once you're brain's been suitably 'rewired' and you get how to access the music, with a bit of practice you don't actually need anything to go there again if you train your mind properly .. a few vodka redbulls over the course of an evening is plenty for energy, probably as risk-free as it gets, and never gives me any after-effects. Must surely beat forking out for dud pills or badduns full of a load of c**p ?
I like a cup of coffee in the morning and I'm off out for a guinness this eve.

Shove that up your hoop. Capitals optional.
I'll probably have a few Critic's but in my view :evil:


Look at the war on drugs thread, the money spent to try to keep drugs off the streets stupid and unsuccessful.

I may Guinness and some spicy crab soup this evening also Robder
That' it - going to have to go out to get a pint of Guiness and something fishy. I'm all coffee'd out today :)
Bad batch is always media scaremongering! Its when people take too many of the "super pills" (another media term) Someone who doesnt or rarely does take them dropping 4-5 in 20 mins because "they arent working" etc
Bad batch is always media scaremongering! Its when people take too many of the "super pills" (another media term) Someone who doesnt or rarely does take them dropping 4-5 in 20 mins because "they arent working" etc

Lol "Super pills" are they what were known back in the 90's as normal ones or the ones passed off as "double doves" or "double dollars"

As both were good and only a couple were needed on an all night sesh8)
Funny how the piggies never issue warnings when people choke to death on their own vom after a boozing session.
how can they say it is a batch of bad pills, when as far as I know, no toxicology reports have come out (correct me if i'm wrong), nor is there any description of the pills in question or what they might contain?
The Police have issued a statement saying anyone in London who has bought anything recently should "throw them away". Yeah, good one.
Why not present us with facts so we can make our own mind up, we're adults after all.

Tired of the Government's continued stance on drug use (and abuse).
How many more years do we have to put up with an approach that simply does. not. work.
how can they say it is a batch of bad pills, when as far as I know, no toxicology reports have come out (correct me if i'm wrong), nor is there any description of the pills in question or what they might contain?
The Police have issued a statement saying anyone in London who has bought anything recently should "throw them away". Yeah, good one.
Why not present us with facts so we can make our own mind up, we're adults after all.

Tired of the Government's continued stance on drug use (and abuse).
How many more years do we have to put up with an approach that simply does. not. work.

not aware of any deaths but there have been far stronger pills going round in bristol luckily people i know are being relatively sensible and not double dropping etc that being said there have been some strong orange pills going around that have been making people really sick shocking come downs shakes sweating etc, i would recommend people staying clear of them, sorry dont know what they are called