Back Pain

Thanks for the advice everyone. I went to see the doctor he said he thinks its "normal musco-skeletal back pain" - whatever that is?! He said from what I've told him he's not too concerned, it normally goes around 4-6 weeks, I just need to rest, use ice/warmth if necessary and do gentle exercises. Oh and he prescribed me loads of painkillers but I dont think I need them :confused: Side effects could be stomach problems and drowsiness, it's like substituting one problem for another :lol:

So I'm relieved the doc doesn't think it's anything out of the ordinary. Still doesn't really explain why it happened or what's actually going on in my back. I'm going to continue resting and perhaps start Pilates again next week (gently).

I had a sports massage yesterday and the masseuse reckons I stand like a bit of a gimp (lop sided :lol:) so I guess years of doing this and exercising have given me bad posture. Need to concentrate on sorting my posture out and increase my core strength.

Will post back with updates! :)

a strong core would alleviate a lot of this, once the pain has subsided I recommend you take up pilates
a strong core would alleviate a lot of this, once the pain has subsided I recommend you take up pilates

Yep that's all I'm going to do now. Think I concentrated far too much on high impact exercises without actually strengthening my muscles and now I'm paying the price :cry:

Also keep getting weird tingly / numb sensation in my left arm and leg. Trapped nerve?? Really weird :confused:
a strong core would alleviate a lot of this, once the pain has subsided I recommend you take up pilates

I was going to recommend yoga, pilates will work too. Bit biased I guess as I am a yoga teacher, but it really does help with everything. Think it frustrates some people when I say it as an answer for all, but it is an all encompassing healer :D
I've just gone back to work this week after the old Ibiza accident where i smashed my head and back. My back has been pretty much fine since i got back from Majorca hosp a few weeks ago and doing lots of long walks seemed to have sorted it out.

Sitting at my desk all day though has brought the pain back big time, i spent half of yesterday walking around for no reason just to keep the pain away.

I go to the doctors and there response is "Just give it a few more days and if the pain stays we'll look into it further!" Same old rubbish from my doc!
So - injury update! After months of knee problems and back pain, turns out I have one leg longer than the other, by at least 1cm. So not bad enough that I would notice anything too strange, but large enough to affect the way I stand/walk/run. I've always thought one of my hips was higher than the other, and the physio this morning confirmed it. So I've been walking / running lopsided for 28 years :eek: :spank:

Would explain my knee and back problems this year. Also I used to have hip problems as a teenager so that was probably caused by the same thing. Glad it's finally making sense, although their suggestion of a specially-made shoe was met with a resounding NO :eek: :lol:

Gonna get some insoles and also start physio to balance myself out :)
So - injury update! After months of knee problems and back pain, turns out I have one leg longer than the other, by at least 1cm. So not bad enough that I would notice anything too strange, but large enough to affect the way I stand/walk/run. I've always thought one of my hips was higher than the other, and the physio this morning confirmed it. So I've been walking / running lopsided for 28 years :eek: :spank:

Would explain my knee and back problems this year. Also I used to have hip problems as a teenager so that was probably caused by the same thing. Glad it's finally making sense, although their suggestion of a specially-made shoe was met with a resounding NO :eek: :lol:

Gonna get some insoles and also start physio to balance myself out :)

That's good news Becki! At least now you can sort it out!

I found out earlier this year that i have one foot a different size to the other when i got measured up for running shoes, which was why i was getting really bad pains in my feet when i ran.

See, there are loads of us freaks out there :lol::lol:
Back update!

Can't believe I have had a bad back for 9 weeks now. Tsssk!

Anyway, I've been seeing a new Osteopath for the last 3 weeks who has (imo correctly) diagnosed problems with my Sacro Iliac Joint (I didn't know what it was either). But basically it's the joint where the pelvis connects to the back and leg. Normally caused by a tilted pelvis which is also making one of my legs longer than the other, hence I'm just basically all a bit lopsided! :lol:

I really believe this is the correct diagnosis as all the symptoms and treatment are spot on. Plus it's not as severe as a disc problem which is a major relief!

Anyway, just wanted to say if anyone based near London is having back trouble I would DEFINITELY recommend these guys at the London School of Osteopathy:

It's a college so you are seen by a student and a supervisor. Plus it's mega cheap - £20 for one hour's consultation and treatment. What a bargain.

I'm not 100% back to normal yet but I can feel it's getting there, would definitely recommend them :)
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Anyway, just wanted to say if anyone based near London is having back trouble I would DEFINITELY recommend these guys at the London School of Osteopathy:

It's a college so you are seen by a student and a supervisor. Plus it's mega cheap - £20 for one hour's consultation and treatment. What a bargain.

I'm not 100% back to normal yet but I can feel it's getting there, would definitely recommend them :)

Good to hear a positive update :D

That is definitely cheap, I am used to paying £20 for 15 minutes (and a rushed 15 minutes at that)
I am paying 60 euros for the same privilege.

I find a hot bath and soak with Radox muscle relaxant very helpful also.
Back update!

Can't believe I have had a bad back for 9 weeks now. Tsssk!

Anyway, I've been seeing a new Osteopath for the last 3 weeks who has (imo correctly) diagnosed problems with my Sacro Iliac Joint (I didn't know what it was either). But basically it's the joint where the pelvis connects to the back and leg. Normally caused by a tilted pelvis which is also making one of my legs longer than the other, hence I'm just basically all a bit lopsided! :lol:

I really believe this is the correct diagnosis as all the symptoms and treatment are spot on. Plus it's not as severe as a disc problem which is a major relief!

Anyway, just wanted to say if anyone based near London is having back trouble I would DEFINITELY recommend these guys at the London School of Osteopathy:

It's a college so you are seen by a student and a supervisor. Plus it's mega cheap - £20 for one hour's consultation and treatment. What a bargain.

I'm not 100% back to normal yet but I can feel it's getting there, would definitely recommend them :)

;) Osteopathy is the way forward! Click click!!

glad yr feeling better!