Back Pain


Active Member
Anyone else suffer from it? Got any advice?

I've always had a bit of a weak lower back, not sure why, it just always aches if I stand for too long, or use it too much i.e in the gym.

However, almost 4 weeks ago I woke up on Monday morning with an excrutiating pain in my lower back. I hadn't done anything strenuous that might cause it, so just thought I'd slept a bit funny.

Since then it's not gone away :spank: and sitting down all day at work is when it's most painful. If I walk around it's not too bad, just minimal pain.

I've had one osteo appointment and he reckons I may have a "slightly displaced disc" but he said for my age, and the fact there was no trauma to cause it, that would be quite rare. He also said I may have just strained my back.

So I've been resting properly for about 2 weeks, no gym etc, hoping it will go away. The next osteo appointment I could get isn't for another 2 weeks :rolleyes: Thinking of booking a physio appointment in the meantime as I have a friend who works in that field.

Basically just want to know if anyone else has suffered with something like this, how long it took to heal, and any advice that I can try to speed up the process.

Although I'm able to walk etc at the moment, it starts hurting after time... and I'm going travelling next year I'm having visions of me not being able to carry my rucksack and no trekking etc!! :cry: Help!!
becki, i do have a displaced disc. if i were you, get an appointment with a specialist for back problems and get an x-ray done (so you'll know for sure).

in severe cases, there is a surgery for displaced discs. but that really should be the last resort only. i live well with my back since i began to really take care...i.e. always be conscious about sitting right (upright), doing some special excersises for the back muscles in the gym (extremely recommended - any physiotherapist will be able to show you some) etc. also, be sure you have the right matress in your bed!
Did you hurt your back, doing something? I'm getting older (sic), so I get a massage and my hips and back feel great afterwards. I would see a doctor to make sure it is nothing else, sometimes a massage will do the trick.
I guess I should go and see the doctor. I have just been hoping it gets better and goes away! I'm always a bit skeptical about how much they can do for back pain, isn't it one of those things you just have to put up with?
It's not unbearable just uncomfortable and limiting me to what I want to do.
Becki unless you've got a sympathetic Doctor I doubt if you'll get much luck there. Back pain is so difficult for them to diagnose cheaply so unless you persist in going back to them to get a scan (or pay privately) you won't get much in the way of a solution in the short term. Sorry - I'm not trying to put you off going as it's important you get it checked out.

I get back pain (lower right side and upper right side into my neck) and OK it's not limiting me doing anything, but it can get you down when it gets chronic. I find that 3 or 4 Osteo sessions (one per week) sorts it out for a good 4 or 5 months.
Thanks, that's what I suspect. It's not delibitating enough for me not to be able to walk etc so I doubt the doctor could do much, other than probably recommend rest and some physio / massage, which is what I'm doing already. Online it says most back pain goes within 4-6 weeks, so only half way there :(

If it doesn't improve with another couple of week's I will go to the doc.

I just want to get back in the gym again! Feel like an old woman these days :(
Most lower pback pain is caused by tight hips and a tight upper back. These two regions are meant to be mobile, but modern life renders it less mobile in many people. The lower back then becomes mobile to compensate, which you don't want.

I tend to follow this routine with clients with lower back pain :

Improve hip mobility - hamstrings, groin, glutes stretches. Gnereal ip mobility drills.
Improve T-spine mobility with foam rolling and mobility drills.
Improve lower back strength and endurance with deadlifts, squats, back extenions ad kettlebell swings.
Improve awareenss of sitting and standing posture.
Mckenzie method (start with this)

This tends to improve most cases, unless they have a physical problem with the lower back i.e. impact injuries, herniated iscs etc.

Take it slow, and keep it consistent. Technique is key on everything you do in the gym. And with regards to an osteo fixing it for's not really fixing it. If the problem is recurring then there is an underlying issue that needs to be sorted.
I've had back problems since the age of 17.

Years of different treatments etc. etc. but only when I went for an MRI scan 3 years ago did I find the true issue, which had (by then) become worse over time.

I had some sessions with an osteopath (after years of seeing a chiropractor) and it's now under control, or actually showing signs of improvement.

The key for me though was diagnosis. everyone has different posture, lifestyle, genetic frame etc. etc. Unless you find the underlying issue (and hopefully even the cause), everything else is just guesswork based on probability.

Hope you get it sorted - I feel your pain!
And with regards to an osteo fixing it for's not really fixing it.

I understand it's not a fix but if you've tried the stretching and the strength building and the improved posture and the doctors to no avail then I'll take what I can.
You need to see your Dr asap and get an MRI scan done!

I had suffered on and off with lower back pain since I was at school, with the odd bout of painful few days in that time. XRays at the time alleged it was from a slightly prolapsed disc. Then about 4 years ago while working I was crippled with pain and was off work for about 5 months, now with sciatica from the slightly prolapsed disc, which after doing an MRI scan had now badly prolapsed :(

It was a battle though before having the MRI as most of the time the Dr's just wanted to give me strong painkillers in the hope the problem would remedy itself overtime, which it didn't.

After having this MRI scan I received correct treatment and luckily touchwood have been generally trouble free from back problems since!
I've had physio and chiropractic work for about 6 years on my back, keeping on top of the problem, but never curing it.

This year my problems have all but dissappeared.

I started doing back strengthening exercises at the gym, which totally contradicted the advice of my Doc and Chriopractor.

I also entered the Para10 which was a ten mile run in boots across country carrying 35lbs in a rucksack. Now this was something I as warned away from because of my back, however the training actually strengthened my back!!

It would appear that the very things that i was warned about actually were the very things i needed.
Defo get to the GP for exploration and diagnosis, especially as onset is not injury or trauma related. Is it the lumbar spine or thoracic?

Craniosacral therapy is an absolute winner for backpain ;)
Get some good physio excersises

Then continue with regular yoga practice to manage your back and overall health and wellbeing

Hope ya feelin much better very soon :p
I wonder if back certain pain problems can actually be caused by sleeping on unsuitable or a old mattress? It's a difficult one for knowing given i change our's every 10yrs.
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Thanks for the advice everyone. Got a doc's appointment later this afternoon. I predict it will be a case of - rest, ice, exercise etc but best to get checked out.

Sitting at a desk all day is just killing me!!! AARGGHH :(
I've had physio and chiropractic work for about 6 years on my back, keeping on top of the problem, but never curing it.

This year my problems have all but dissappeared.

I started doing back strengthening exercises at the gym, which totally contradicted the advice of my Doc and Chriopractor.

I also entered the Para10 which was a ten mile run in boots across country carrying 35lbs in a rucksack. Now this was something I as warned away from because of my back, however the training actually strengthened my back!!

It would appear that the very things that i was warned about actually were the very things i needed.

Similar story.

Suffered with chronic back pain for many years, due to sat staring at a pc screen for far too many hours per day. Had x-rays, nhs physio (felt guilty at my weekly appt as many people there could barely walk). Spent money on chiropracters, going from one to another, have spent hundreds on different chairs, setup a standup desk, all to no avail.

Was desperate to get running, at first the pain put me off a few times. Earlier this year thought it's not getting any better, I can't possibly do any more damage, and just ran a few times per week for a few weeks trying to ignore the pain. After a few weeks my chronic back pain had gradually gone away to bearable levels. For years back specialists had said x-trainer ok, running definite no no. It's easy to question the integrity of people who rely on you being poorly to make a wage!!

It might be a simple coincidence in may case but my back has never been so healthy for many years.

How did the Para10 run go?
Similar story.

Suffered with chronic back pain for many years, due to sat staring at a pc screen for far too many hours per day. Had x-rays, nhs physio (felt guilty at my weekly appt as many people there could barely walk). Spent money on chiropracters, going from one to another, have spent hundreds on different chairs, setup a standup desk, all to no avail.

Was desperate to get running, at first the pain put me off a few times. Earlier this year thought it's not getting any better, I can't possibly do any more damage, and just ran a few times per week for a few weeks trying to ignore the pain. After a few weeks my chronic back pain had gradually gone away to bearable levels. For years back specialists had said x-trainer ok, running definite no no. It's easy to question the integrity of people who rely on you being poorly to make a wage!!

It might be a simple coincidence in may case but my back has never been so healthy for many years.

How did the Para10 run go?

I was also warned off running by my Chiropractor, but I ignored him as it is my favourite form of exercise.

Para10 was really gruelling!

It was held at Catterick Garrison in N Yorks (in the rain and wind). There were lots of squaddies, paras and other parts of the Armed Forces competing in it and the course was completely no holds barred!

The last two miles were a complete blur but i managed to get in front of the pace makers and beat the 1hour 50 mins Para's qualifying time, which really surprised me as it seemed an unattainable goal before the race.

My feet looked like they'd been boiled then skinned then minced.

But passing the Para's qualifying test at 37 gives you great bragging rights down the pub with the lads.:lol:

DO IT!!!!
Well done, MARK, an incredible achievement. 8)8)

Hope you get it sorted, Beckiboo, it can feel at times like you are with the problem for life. I felt like that on many occasions, there is hope, it can be fixed, and often with simple changes.

Thanks for the advice everyone. I went to see the doctor he said he thinks its "normal musco-skeletal back pain" - whatever that is?! He said from what I've told him he's not too concerned, it normally goes around 4-6 weeks, I just need to rest, use ice/warmth if necessary and do gentle exercises. Oh and he prescribed me loads of painkillers but I dont think I need them :confused: Side effects could be stomach problems and drowsiness, it's like substituting one problem for another :lol:

So I'm relieved the doc doesn't think it's anything out of the ordinary. Still doesn't really explain why it happened or what's actually going on in my back. I'm going to continue resting and perhaps start Pilates again next week (gently).

I had a sports massage yesterday and the masseuse reckons I stand like a bit of a gimp (lop sided :lol:) so I guess years of doing this and exercising have given me bad posture. Need to concentrate on sorting my posture out and increase my core strength.

Will post back with updates! :)

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