Baby P

the fact that it took so long sums up this country right now

IMO they should be charged with aiding and abeting (sp) an infanticide
She is on full pay pending an investigation.
Full pay for having allowed that kind of suffering to a baby. What happened to accountability?
beginning to read like an outraged brasseye episode this.

do we really know all the facts to make statements that people should be done for aiding and abeting?

Just because something happened on their watch does not mean that they allowed it. To allow about it would be to know.

No one says that some incompetent people havent been involved & that a failing system contributed to this.

However I doubt very much that the social services individuals involved acted in anything but good faith, despite all their obvious failings.

Some people end up working in all sorts of professions, making mistakes & never getting put on the cover of the sun. I really think we should all get the report & read it in full before making sun like statements.
beginning to read like an outraged brasseye episode this.

do we really know all the facts to make statements that people should be done for aiding and abeting?

Just because something happened on their watch does not mean that they allowed it. To allow about it would be to know.

No one says that some incompetent people havent been involved & that a failing system contributed to this.

However I doubt very much that the social services individuals involved acted in anything but good faith, despite all their obvious failings.

Some people end up working in all sorts of professions, making mistakes & never getting put on the cover of the sun. I really think we should all get the report & read it in full before making sun like statements.

the timeline of this case is here

from December 2006 the baby was found to have bruises etc and mother arrested
over 60 visits
on the protection register

she even smeared him in chocolate to hide wounds - the examiner thought not to wipe it off despite her history with the baby

its not about "Sun Sensationalism" - this case came after the Climbe tragedy as well - same council

this is about repeated failures on the part of several sectors of child care
the timeline of this case is here

from December 2006 the baby was found to have bruises etc and mother arrested
over 60 visits
on the protection register

she even smeared him in chocolate to hide wounds - the examiner thought not to wipe it off despite her history with the baby

its not about "Sun Sensationalism" - this case came after the Climbe tragedy as well - same council

this is about repeated failures on the part of several sectors of child care

no doubt that the staff were incompetent & the system was failing, however statements such as 'aiding and abetting' & 'allowing' give the impression that they knew & allowed it to happen. Which was not the case.

The outrage at what happened is not sensationalism, but the printing of the names of individual social workers, campaigns to get them sacked etc does no one any favours.

In terms of the individuals on the front line - how much training do they get, how many cases do they have to deal with etc etc? I don't know, but we need to be careful before we pass judgement and turn people into national hate figures for being bad at their job.
and how the f uck do they produce a report into something so deep as this case in the time it has taken? politics schmolitics. it needs a root and branch.

if its resources & training - this can be traced all the way to the cabinet. What does the suns petition say?

I believe that ALL the social workers involved in the case of Baby P, including Sharon Shoesmith, Maria Ward and Gillie Christou should be
sacked - and never allowed to work with vulnerable children again.

I call on Beverley Hughes, the Children's Minister, and Ed Balls, the Education Secretary, to ensure that those responsible are removed from their positions immediately.

I also demand that the doctor and health visitor involved with Baby P, Dr Sabah Al-Zayyat and Paulette Thomas, should also lose their jobs.

Pathetic. Makes me sick. If we are going for accountability, you go for the top if you have any principles. Hughes, Balls et al.
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and how the f uck do they produce a report into something so deep as this case in the time it has taken? politics schmolitics. it needs a root and branch.

if its resources & training - this can be traced all the way to the cabinet. What does the sunds petition say?

I believe that ALL the social workers involved in the case of Baby P, including Sharon Shoesmith, Maria Ward and Gillie Christou should be
sacked - and never allowed to work with vulnerable children again.

I call on Beverley Hughes, the Children's Minister, and Ed Balls, the Education Secretary, to ensure that those responsible are removed from their positions immediately.

I also demand that the doctor and health visitor involved with Baby P, Dr Sabah Al-Zayyat and Paulette Thomas, should also lose their jobs.

Pathetic. Makes me sick. If we are going for accountability, you go for the top if you have any principles. Hughes, Balls et al.

i agree
anyone connected with this debacle should have their arses kicked out

the horror of it is coupled with the Climbe case being fresh in the minds as well

to f*** up once in this way is a disgrace
twice is unbelievable
it's a witch hunt now, none of it is going to bring the little guy back, or reverse the harrowing experience that was his short life. Im all for a complete review and overhaul of the system on a national level, but for christ sake do it quickly, do it decisively and lets stop it happening again and lets get those in current danger into safety asap!!!!
it would be nice if all the social workers doing good jobs made the front pages instead the one tragic incident that does

it's media sensationalism - and as usual, the mob, calling the shots

thousands of babies are being brutally slaughtered around the world every day - in Darfur, the congo, burma, china, sudan and elsewhere - but hey those places are far away and they're not pretty, blue eyed-babies, that we can identify with are they... :roll:
"MPs outraged that workers suspended on full pay"

What? So employment laws passed by MPs only apply to some?

What a load of bollocks sensationalism and political chess playing.

Simply makes it harder to find out how the mistakes were made in the first place.
it would be nice if all the social workers doing good jobs made the front pages instead the one tragic incident that does

it's media sensationalism - and as usual, the mob, calling the shots

thousands of babies are being brutally slaughtered around the world every day - in Darfur, the congo, burma, china, sudan and elsewhere - but hey those places are far away and they're not pretty, blue eyed-babies, that we can identify with are they... :roll:

I agree. It's has turned into a media circus. Everyone is jumping on the "this is an outrage" bandwagon. And it IS an outrage. But I'm getting lynch-mob texts about it from people who I know probably wouldn't give a t0ss if it wasn't a blue eyed, gorgeous little boy. Infact they probably wouldn't even know who Victoria Climbie was. It's a tragedy, and the people responsible should be held accountable for it. But let the little lad rest in peace for pity's sake!
it's a witch hunt now, none of it is going to bring the little guy back, or reverse the harrowing experience that was his short life. Im all for a complete review and overhaul of the system on a national level, but for christ sake do it quickly, do it decisively and lets stop it happening again and lets get those in current danger into safety asap!!!!

beginning to read like an outraged brasseye episode this.

do we really know all the facts to make statements that people should be done for aiding and abeting?

Just because something happened on their watch does not mean that they allowed it. To allow about it would be to know.

No one says that some incompetent people havent been involved & that a failing system contributed to this.

However I doubt very much that the social services individuals involved acted in anything but good faith, despite all their obvious failings.

Some people end up working in all sorts of professions, making mistakes & never getting put on the cover of the sun. I really think we should all get the report & read it in full before making sun like statements.
i hear what youre saying here,but if you read/listen to the interview given by the 'whistleblower',she states that she made the department,councillors & ofsted aware of haringeys' failures and short comings dating back to 2004!..she sent emails to top level officials also,but all the info provided fell on deaf ears...and as a result of her efforts she was ostracised and gagged by the department! to (me) the aforementioned,together with the incompetency of the workers involved in effect was allowing baby p to suffer the cruelty that he did..
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. But I'm getting lynch-mob texts about it from people who I know probably wouldn't give a t0ss if it wasn't a blue eyed, gorgeous little boy. Infact they probably wouldn't even know who Victoria Climbie was. It's a tragedy, and the people responsible should be held accountable for it. But let the little lad rest in peace for pity's sake!

yes agree completely
I'm not one of the red top reading angry mob...but I would like 5 mins alone with the perpetrators...that feeling is only intensified when my daughter crawls across the living room and grabs my leg,beams at me showing her 4 teeth and lets out a high pitch "daddy""