Awdio! Listen to more than 200 worldwide venues in real time !


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Listen to the music played in clubs and concert venues worldwide, in real time ! is the first platform to broadcast 100 % LIVE music only, and the first music player of the web which can broadcast multiple channels live into any web browser.
You can now “play the world” and take part in a musical world tour wherever you are….From California (GTM -10) to Australia (GTM +10). Awdio streams through all time zones, allowing you to listen to something truly exceptional 24/7

Unlike web radios that broadcast simple playlists, Awdio federates Sources, Artists, Bands, and Dj’s who perform LIVE in real time. Raw, fresh and constantly renewed, Awdio provides live, pure and addictive music, captured worldwide in a high quality digital format and “shared” by a global Awdience.

Get involved in this magic journey :
