Avicii retires


Well-Known Member
Avicii's announced he is to retire from performing live after 2016, citing health and wellbeing. He's looked shocking this last year, so hopefully this is the lifestyle change he needs to get back I shape physically and mentally. While these superstar DJ's earn a fortune, heir schedules are crazy and fame has its downsides.
all about moderation. there are lots of DJs that cope perfectly well with that lifestyle.

True! But some of the big names like Guetta & Tiesto did have the benefit of being older when the fame hit, and many years of doing normal jobs and growing up first.
As much as i hate his music and what he has come to represent musically... If he's ended up in a real mess then I hope he gets better asap. Maybe if he concentrated more on making good music and not the 'show' that 'Avici" has become he might get back down to earth.

he's only like 12 or something isnt he?
Looked in a bad way the last couple of years and it's affected his music, trying to do too many things just to be different and in the process has burnt himself out.

He'll be back.
Fair play, he's done well for himself.
Say as you wish about his music, but it's brought happiness to millions of people and he's had some amazing gigs around the world and probably made enough to live off the rest of his life. Shame about his health and I hope it improves.
Never liked his music and can't say I'm sorry that I won't hear it for a while... but obviously if it is affecting his health then a break is the right thing to do.

I can't help but think this is just a marketing campaign though, similar to Swedish House Mafia and their inevitable reformation...
On his press release at the end he basically says he will be back anyway. He will defo be back, unfortunately
My sympathy is exclusively reserved for those brilliant djs/producers around the world who can't get gigs because they ain't commercial enough...

Yes because we'd all do the same thing if we could make millions traveling the world playing poppy music to people who love it, regardless of whether or not people more interested in music viewed it as shitty. He's still a person. Not like hes actually a dick to people like Kanye or something. Plenty of people make music i dont like, i dont hate all Country artists just because their music is intolerable to me....
Joking apart, I hear he's a really nice bloke regardless of whether folk like his music. He's helped and also gave a few new dj/producers thier break etc. His music for me was too cheesy, country, but he was good at what he did and has made a success out of it. His only tune I liked was levels. I agree with most on here, he will be back just like I reckon the swedes will reform an be a sellout.
guys only a kid essentially. not even old enough to grow a big beard to stroke at the side of a banging dancefloor... Theres been no evidence of the level of douchebaggery and lack of respect for their fans as the Swedish House Mafia.
Im only jealous of the time off he's gona have hanging with his mates with a few mill in his back pocket.
guys only a kid essentially. not even old enough to grow a big beard to stroke at the side of a banging dancefloor... Theres been no evidence of the level of douchebaggery and lack of respect for their fans as the Swedish House Mafia.
Im only jealous of the time off he's gona have hanging with his mates with a few mill in his back pocket.

Guess that final bit is down to these health concerns.

I've liked some of his Tim Berg stuff.
I did like Seek Bromance. Think that was one of the last big tracks I can recall before I stopped going to student nights.