Avant Garde Experimental Music

¿What guitar do you like the least? Comparison of eight different guitars playing the same melody

00:00 Guitar: Gibson ES-335 - Pickups: Gibson '57 Classic
00:32 Guitar: Epiphone Sheraton - Pickups: Seymour Duncan P-Rails
01:05 Guitar: Gibson L4 Ces - Pickups: Gibson '57 Classic
01:40 Guitar: D'angelico Excel Mini DC - Pickups: Seymour Duncan 59s
02:14 Guitar: Ibanez GB10SE-BS - Pickups: Ibanez GB Special
02:48 Guitar: Minarik Goddess Special Edition - Pickups: Tone Perfect Resonata
03:26 Guitar- Ibanez AF95FM-AYS - Pickups- Ibanez Super 58
04:01 Guitar: Tokai SR-198 - Pickups: Tokai Paf Vintage MkII


The border - Who knew it's that easy?

There is a border
inside of me
one side is black
the other is white

There are no nuances
nor notices of this drastic change

No signs warning you
that just a thought can be enough
to dress in ice
to dress in sun

There is a room
inside of me
full of suitcases that have forgotten
where they should go
after watching for so long
how Time goes on

There is a stain
inside of me
Spying on all the fear

Behind the windows
the trees sway calmly x2
like seaweeds
under sleeping waters,
and the greenness going to and fro
calms me down
and gives me hope.

Their coloured leaves
fan the air slowly
and their sound
silences the mixed noises
that the overwhelmed city
sends forth.

The large and simple room
gives me shelter,
protecting with its serene whiteness
the repose of my ill body,
and t time that goes by
peeks through the branches
spying on all the fear
that my gaze has.
Gibson ES-335 Custom Shop - The best and most complete sound review of the Gibson ES-335 Custom Shop

00:00 Gibson ES-335 Custom Shop - Chords and Rhythms
00:40 Gibson ES-335 Custom Shop - Chords with Riffs
01:03 Gibson ES-335 Custom Shop - Harmonics and Arpeggios
01:39 Gibson ES-335 Custom Shop - Riffs
02:09 Gibson ES-335 Custom Shop - Melodies
02:30 Gibson ES-335 Custom Shop - Bendings
03:00 Gibson ES-335 Custom Shop - Glissandos


D'angelico Excel Mini DC - Professional sound review of the D'angelico Excel Mini DC

00:00 D'angelico Excel Mini DC - Chords and Rhythms
00:36 D'angelico Excel Mini DC - Chords with Riffs
00:43 D'angelico Excel Mini DC - Harmonics and Arpeggios
01:25 D'angelico Excel Mini DC - Riffs
01:41 D'angelico Excel Mini DC - Melodies
02:04 D'angelico Excel Mini DC - Bendings
02:29 D'angelico Excel Mini DC - Glissandos


What can happen when turning a corner?

Do you know?
Today I met my double

We ran
into each other
when turning
a corner
no umbrella
in the rain

We look at us
for a second
with a point of fear
in our eyes

Was she me?
was I she?

but followed our way
may be scaping
from the same

Perhaps she was coming
from where I was going

Brief encounter without words
mirror that does not break
when crossing its sides like this
Chasing Ghosts and other Friends

I wape up
in the night
and I listen
to the silence

while the darknesss softens
as the hours pass
and life dawns

My cats play in the hallway
chasing ghosts and other friends

Everything is contrast
between black and white

Fading shadows
in the reality
of your memory

oh mummy oh mummy

I caress the pillow
to shelter me
in its so warm heat
and tears
they release the pain
that these days give me

oh mummy oh mumyy