Avant Garde Experimental Music

Lost in the trash of Past?

I kept in my eyes
the light that touched you
just before your goodbye

I kept in my heart
the silence that remained
when the door closed



and when the clock
in the hall
announced midnight
I had become a paper
forgotten in the trash
of your past

I go

I come

between the furniture
everything is jail
in my darkness

I am a drowned ghost
in the well of the past
looking for you without findin
Smooth Jazz Music: Bungalow 315/Around the World/Virtual Traveller/Bendita Casualidad

Smooth Jazz - Bungalow 315
Smooth Jazz - Around the world
Jazz Fusion - Virtual Traveller
Latin Jazz - Bendita Casualidad
Surely more than one of you have felt like this at some time, like a Fly on the tongue of a Frog

There is no
in my mind
nor words
looking for more words
my thoughts are dead
while I watch
the walls
the lamp
the sleeping clock
and that closed door
that makes me feel
like a fly
on the tongue
of a frog
at the mercy
of the voracious appetite
of the end of a dream

Where is my essence?
The bottle containing it
now is broken
only a slight aroma remains,
so diffuse...

How to stop this reality
when Yesterday is dressed in badly laid bricks

How to retrace a path
lost in a discarded draft

How to avoid those stones that I trip over
even having changed my way

how how how
Ambient Guitar Music/Takes 1-2-3/Strymon Cloudburst/Strymon Brig/Strymon BlueSky/Gibson L4 Ces

Ambient Guitar Music - Take 1 - Strymon Cloudburst - Strymon BlueSky - Strymon Brig - Gibson L4 Ces
Ambient Guitar Music - Take 2 - Strymon Cloudburst - Strymon BlueSky - Strymon Brig - Gibson L4 Ces
Ambient Guitar Music - Take 3 - Strymon Cloudburst - Strymon BlueSky - Strymon Brig - Gibson L4 Ces
The Spell

I hunt rays in the storms
while truth burns behind
that truth that is already smoke
and that you will never know

nothing will come out of my mouth
nothing to break the glass
of the mirror in whose spell
you and me look at us

I hunt rays in the storms
while mouths of past
in the evaporated water
that escaped from the flames

Nothing more fits in that mirror
but the earth and sky of your kisses
and the water and fire of my clouds
When cold burns

I'm cold
but I stay still
without even trying
to put on my jacket

I light a cigarette and inhale
the smoke
without knowing for sure
why do I repeat this rite
that burns me
between its threads

I think of you
I think of me
covered by the cold
that stirs me
that stirs me

I think of you
I think of me x2


The streets empty
with the breath of winter
while the leaves
puting upside down
the order
that existed

and while I smoke
time seems a friend
who sat to chat with me
of your silence
and mine
Naked among the Wolves of Madness, amazing lyrics

I am a stranger
that speaks to you
arm in arm of a late pride
that was slept in the ashes
of the one I was

Do you know?
it's a good day
the sky
is blue
I am alive
and free from you

Do you remember?
you made me a castaway
with no boat, nor sea, nor earth or sky
the only thing that you left me
was the darkness
where I survived

Naked among the wolves of madness

I was a ghost between my dreams
nothing but you in my landscape

I was so lost in loving you
naked among the wolves of madness

but today
it's a good day
the sky is blue
A Mummy in the closet - Take care!! Perhaps there is a Mummy in your closet?

I am a Mummy
kept in a closet

my soul is cold
my heart is broken

waiting for something
to bring me back
to life
under the bandages
wrapping my body

Time and its hours
walk for the others
there is only me
surrounded by disorder

Day and night have stopped
at touching each other
claro obscuro that swims
here and there and everywhere

My eyes can only watch
clothes that no longer serve

while I hear steps of life
around my limbo
but they are not those
of the one I loved

so so so so
I am a Mummy