August bank holiday.. what is it like?

Yeh I booked to go 23rd to 31st as last holiday before I turn 30!
I know it's busy at the start with the radio one weekend and colleges off
But thought it would have calmed down slightly by the end of August!
So if anyone can help is it would be a great help!!
I've been twice for the last week of August/ beginning of September and didn't find it a problem the busy nights were still very busy though but I have never been at the beginning of August so can't compare. So none of what I have said is really much help haha
I've been over within 1st couple of weeks in August 2-3 times for 2-3 days. Always enjoyed it apart from restaurants (packed and if you're alone you've pretty much had it because no-one wants to waste a table on you, so just wound up snacking or eating sat at a bar instead).

And the roads - by far most of the insurance claims I've had over there were for car getting scraped whilst it was parked out places. It's unbelievably common - the driving is ridiculously bad, parking worse and after a couple of days it gets stressful thinking about going out places. Trying to take taxis would waste most of the holiday.

Club-wise, I get claustrophobic in packed crowds so avoid Amnesia and Pacha in August because both are unbearable for me when packed solid. If you don't mine crushes and mosh pits then you'd be fine. Space is usually much better if you stay off the main floors. Sankeys can be OK or intolerable. Plenty of parties at alternative venues which are great - after parties everywhere :cool:.