Asolutely fabulous



This is just to say that auntie Lisa and Eva, survived their long long weekend, and are still refusing to grow old gracefully! We decided that,sitting on dam square(yesterday) in the sunshine with our shopping bag filled with vodka red bulls.....funds running a bit low after ibiza and a stupendous shopping spree, that we were going to go to ibiza untill we were 85.What did we do that wasn't x-rated? Danced till we dropped at Space and Amnesia. Fought at Bora Bora. Collected more things for our catalogue of daft things people say to us at clubs.Met more great people and generally had a wonderfull time. 8) 8) 8)
Glad to hear you enjoyed your long weekend :D :D

This getting old thing is no fun, and to make matters worse I read recently that the notion that time travel is possible has been knocked on the head once and for all :( :(

Welcome back :D :D