Ask Robder

Haha... well that situation didn't go well. I got a no, or rather no answer at all, as if I hadn't asked the question. We're still friends, though. My challenge now is to go out with the chicks from work without lusting after one of them. :lol: Got some Vicars & Tarts party next Friday.
Laptop on fire :s

I wouldn't recommend setting fire to your laptop if it is a Mac... not exactly the cheapest thing to replace; but you would be making a point I guess!
I do have an IPOD but my laptop is a Toshiba made in Japan. Anyone for meeting in the square for a burning of the IPODS?
Judge Jules is playing tonight near where i live for some students rag week lark.A mate had a chance to go to Maya J C tomorrow or the judge tonight.He picked the judge.:eek: Will he live to regret this.
Judge Jules is playing tonight near where i live for some students rag week lark.A mate had a chance to go to Maya J C tomorrow or the judge tonight.He picked the judge.:eek: Will he live to regret this.

Depends - some people love tat.

...also when was rag week ever about music? Go get laid.