Ask Robder

This takes into account that both parties are legal of course.

What should the maximum age difference between two people in a relationship?

anyone else can chime in.
This takes into account that both parties are legal of course.

What should the maximum age difference between two people in a relationship?

anyone else can chime in.

Half your age + 7 years, so I could go out with a 25 yr old. Any 25 yr old hotties on here?
This takes into account that both parties are legal of course.

What should the maximum age difference between two people in a relationship?

anyone else can chime in.

Friday afternoon procrastination waffle...

Relationship = a blanket term that has been morphed by stupid cultural ideals that say we've got to find a single mate and live happily ever after.

In reality we're in relationship with many people for many reasons - some sexual, some sensual, some professional, some power/control/codependent, some family etc etc.

Culturally, we also put more importance on x-factor idealism than true community and choose our idols really badly. (Rhianna? Various footballers? Fashionistas? :rolleyes:) Instead of being tapped into for their wise counsel, elders in society are sidelined as having nowt to offer. This kinda thinking stinks - and results in chaos. (The concept of gangs are a form of tribalism is cool but it caves in on itself because the inexperienced youth leads the youth.)

Answer = there isn't one, to assume there is amounts to ageism. It's totally fine for an 18 year old to be in 'relationship' with someone of 80 in my world. ;)

I've had (sexual) relationships with people 16 years my senior if that helps?

Off now, still $hit loads to do before I can leave. ;) :lol:
Friday afternoon procrastination waffle...

Relationship = a blanket term that has been morphed by stupid cultural ideals that say we've got to find a single mate and live happily ever after.

In reality we're in relationship with many people for many reasons...:

Have you tried Polyamory?? :)
Friday afternoon procrastination waffle...

Relationship = a blanket term that has been morphed by stupid cultural ideals that say we've got to find a single mate and live happily ever after.

In reality we're in relationship with many people for many reasons - some sexual, some sensual, some professional, some power/control/codependent, some family etc etc.

Culturally, we also put more importance on x-factor idealism than true community and choose our idols really badly. (Rhianna? Various footballers? Fashionistas? :rolleyes:) Instead of being tapped into for their wise counsel, elders in society are sidelined as having nowt to offer. This kinda thinking stinks - and results in chaos. (The concept of gangs are a form of tribalism is cool but it caves in on itself because the inexperienced youth leads the youth.)

Answer = there isn't one, to assume there is amounts to ageism. It's totally fine for an 18 year old to be in 'relationship' with someone of 80 in my world. ;)

I've had (sexual) relationships with people 16 years my senior if that helps?

Off now, still $hit loads to do before I can leave. ;) :lol:

Good answer, it could be any kind of relationship, I was not limiting it by anything except being of consenting people. Someone has the next ask Robder?
Well, I work in the MIS department of a big organisation and she's the hottie on reception. I can keep interactions with her to a quick wave as i go by if it goes tits up or I get rejected. :lol:
Robder - thoughts on boning a colleague? :lol:

Bone anyone you like - it's your funeral! ;) :lol:

Not sure this is the best idea in the world tbh - all hangs on whether you've got the kahunas to hold space on a normal Monday.

The problem with the polyamorous way is sizing up when to be honest about your intentions.

When you're doing the receptionist up against the photocopier, there isn't a window of opportunity for a discussion around boundaries.
She's not that type. It's definitely one I'd need to take slowly. Still trying to figure out whether she fancies me or just been trying to seek attention!