
I suppose I better take back the 'installation' I bought you for your birthday of a 'Dead dog with a fork up its ar$e, a light bulb in its mouth, sat in a chair'

I think I still have the receipt

You could exhibit that, and slowly reveal the meaning anonymously on various art 'net forums: a comment on perspective, art appreciation and transient nature of value.
Currently looking for some Ibiza-related art, preferably original (not the kind of cliched sunset prints that you might see in a waiting room). Etsy was a bit disappointing tbh. Can anyone recommend any decent online vendors?
Happened to watch Exit through the Gift Shop at the weekend. Was a bit surprised at how the film turned out. The film-maker guy turned artist is a complete tube. I couldn't work out if it was somehow staged as a joke/statement on just how ridiculous the world of art actually is. Thousands of people fawning over his 'creations' in LA - but it actually seems legit, and he is just a total tube :lol:

I laughed so hard watching that. Brilliant film.
Pilar Garcia RomoLeroux did have an online store with some nice art on it - she has done that one of sa trinxa that you might have seen?

Just had a quick google, the online store doesn't seem to be up anymore but maybe if you message her on facebook?

I also own a print of this photo taken by Luke Dyson, but alas the Mrs didn't like it at all and it hasn't made it up on the wall in the new house...

cool - I do like that sa trinxa one (but I think my missus wouldn't like it either lol). I was kind of after something very ibiza and yet not too obvious, getting the balance right, maybe retro 70s-80s imagery or a certain angle on the whitewashed buildings in the old town, maybe?
Buy a sketch off my mate if you see him in Ibiza Town, though I'm not sure if he'll be back in Ibiza for another couple of years.
Was he all over the place or is his persona in the other place put on?

I don't think his online persona is an accurate reflection of what he's like irl. You know what it's like posting online when you're alone and have had a few beers... :eek: A few other folk on here have met him in Ibiza.