Are you addicted to your phone?

This makes me sad.

Leave your jobs and embrace the chaos.

Did that long ago, Robder - best thing I ever did !!

Now just need to handle my own utter chaos - which is a considerable challenge at the best to times ... but I love it !

Still can't manage to organize anything more than a day ahead tho' - must be some in-built resistance to commitment at a very deep level :lol: Ommmmmmm
I take my phone on holiday, but only switch it on once a day,to check if theres any urgent messages from home,and once a day I,ll update my status on facebook,,
The alarm on the phone is an ideal function for getting up for breakfast, and for making sure youre up early enough to check out of the hotel,so the alarm gets used more than anything else,
this time the phone will be used more,as we,re meeting fellow spotlighters on a couple of occasions,and will keep in touch for that.
I can go all day at home without checking it, if anything is urgent people just ring me on landline or mobile instead of texting.
I wont have to pay to use hotels internet this year, as long as I can get wi-fi near me I can access the internet via my phone, so I wont be putting money into computer slots, :D:D
Took my phone on holiday with me, and other than skyping my gf once every four / five days, I didn't use the internet on it. (£3.00 a mb anyway!)
Seriously, though, is that just because work is so boring that the connection with another world provides a lifeline of sanity in an otherwise seemingly meaningless day ?

Well I'm a lorry driver so I spend a lot of time waiting around or on the bed so it also helps pass the time. But the habit doesn't stay there I can't help myself :)
I must admit I dont use it on holiday.......not the internet anyway, just maybe send a few texts.......I do sometimes like to switch it off for an evening for a few hours just to breathe and not think about stuff!