Are you addicted to your phone?


Active Member
It's in the press today how 1/3 of adults and 60% of teenagers are addicted to their smartphones.

People are using their phones at the dinner table, watching films, on trains, in libraries etc etc, even if they know they shouldn't be.

I have to admit, since I got my Blackberry I do wonder sometimes whether I am addicted to it :lol: I'm always checking Facebook, or the news, or my emails. It's just so accessible nowadays!

I took my old Nokia phone to Glasto and used it for 6 days (much better battery life) and I have to say, it felt quite liberating to not have any access to going online for nearly a week!

Maybe I need therapy :confused: :lol:
Yes defffinitly, I am a complete slave to it !! I feel lost if I don't have it within a 10cm radius haha VERY VERY SAD :(
I didnt realise how much i relied on my BB till it took a dive into a pint of rose and died :(

I had the oldest Nokia known to man for a week and at first it was god awful, but after the next few days i started to get used to it and have to agree, it did feel quite liberating to have such a simple / basic phone...

I was quite a late comer to get in with the whole phone world and tbh i kinda wish i hadnt....i hate that every 5 mins im checking to see if i got an email, a txt, a bb, or a fb message :spank:

Just draws us in and before you know it, your hooked :rolleyes:
I have to admit I am!!

I do it more when commuting to work on the train out of boredom and if I am at home just sitting about watching TV or something - I try not to use when I go out as I know how rude and annoying it can be to other people - but it tends to be the thing to do now when you go out espec with I phones - checking in to where you are etc

I have a Sony Ericsson so my internet use is limited - only use it for FB and Twitter and its not particularly easy......getting an I phone in November - I can see myself becoming SEVERELY addicted!
No. I use it for .............. taking pictures of pretty ladies when I'm out.

:spank: !

Have not even connected mine to the internet as would risk disappearing into a virtual world which not 8). Texts and calls only. Preferably neither :lol:. At least having to sit at a keyboard means a limit to how much time you spend on-line.
Usually while hanging over a toilet cubicle. :lol:

I don't see the point in using a phone for things PCs can be used for. Can't you just wait until you reach your next PC?
Should have gone to Global. Knickers round ankles & 'muffs ahoy' at the side of the tent !! ;)
Yeah - totally addicted to my smartphone of doom...and the interweb totally runs my life.


Did a buddhist mindfulness course which was great for sorting this one out - and I also have a technology free electric appliances, candles only etc. Highly recommended - really sorts you out.
Did a buddhist mindfulness course which was great for sorting this one out - and I also have a technology free electric appliances, candles only etc. Highly recommended - really sorts you out.

Sounds good. I must be one of the few that can go on holiday for a week and not go online (bar in real emergencies). And, yes, I am quite pleased with myself. :D
I never take a phone or laptop on holiday - yuck.

I also never take a moby when on a long term travel jaunt.
Nice :confused:

Were you allowed in Global with your "dirty old man" rainmac?

Just found it comic !! Exercise of equal rights I guess, but it's easier for us to shield ourselves from 'southern exposure' ! And no, I don't take pics of other people in the buff in case anyone was overly concerned :rolleyes:
I'm posting from the cinema as I've brought kids to watch cars 2 so erm......maybe :D
I don't leave it anywhere, really winds the mrs up. I'm hooked to my online life whenever I am on a break at work I'm straight to bookmarks and seeing what's been going on :oops:
whenever I am on a break at work I'm straight to bookmarks and seeing what's been going on :oops:

Seriously, though, is that just because work is so boring that the connection with another world provides a lifeline of sanity in an otherwise seemingly meaningless day ?
Got the iphone the day it originally came out in the UK and have been addicted since.
Broke my phone a few weeks ago and had a £10 nokia. Only received about 4 texts during that time.

I usually use Whatsapp, twitter, skype or facebook etc to keep in touch with mates. Made even easier i can have those with me all the time on my phone.

I can pretty much do everything i need on my phone... banking, emails, booking trips, holidays etc. Quite bad really how much i rely on it but very good all the same.
No more than I used to be, but instead of my 6210 being stuck to my ear 23hrs a day, my finger tips are stuck to my BB.

I like living like that, not bothered if it's seen as and addiction.

Funny enough I'm just charging up spare batteries for the Big Chill.
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