Anyone want to join me in ranting at a crap 'Ibiza' article in The Guardian?

I might actually advocate the return of the death penalty in Europe for journalists who put the words "Ibiza" and "auto-tune" in the same article :evil:
I utterly fail to see what any of that article has to do with Ibiza. It's embarrassing for a quality newspaper to run such a thing.
rant at what exactly? the article is spot on. If you actually cared to read it, you would see that despite the title, it is an accurate comment on the state of global dance-pop not the state of ibiza

he's obviously referring to Guetta and the link with the crap infesting the charts - which is a perfectly valid comment - it is a regurgitated sound for people too young to have ever been clubbing (never mind raving) in their lives

I have a lot of time for Simon Reynolds - his books on dance music are absolutely superb and very well-researched. He has a habit of over-intellectualising at times but he knows his stuff.
I actually did enjoy that article, was a good read, and I do agree with all of it.

I don't agree with the title, but you got to get people reading the rest of the article some how.
he's obviously referring to Guetta and the link with the crap infesting the charts - which is a perfectly valid comment - it is a regurgitated sound for people too young to have ever been clubbing (never mind raving) in their lives


Yeah, I had the same thought while listening to mainstream radio. Every song was like it. And with some Ibiza knowledge, I thought 'oh Christ, this is FMIF at Pacha, that twunt Guetta has a lot to answer for' but to the much of the world, unfortunately, Guetta and his pop star mates are everything they know about Ibiza, ergo they are, to them, Ibiza!:evil:
Maybe there's a mismatch between the title and the article then. David Guetta to me isn't Ibiza - he might have one night in Ibiza, but that's about it. The music he's complaining about is the kind of stuff that's heard in most Med resorts - the difference with Ibiza, is you can actually avoid it there by going to places like Space, DC-10, Cafe Del Mar, etc.

Just realised that's the guy who wrote Energy Flash!
Maybe there's a mismatch between the title and the article then.
The title and the invoking of Ibiza is where the author errs.

I did read the rest of it and, true, Olly, it isn't too far off.

Only the intro annoys me. But I suppose that's how they get people to read it!
Maybe there's a mismatch between the title and the article then. David Guetta to me isn't Ibiza - he might have one night in Ibiza, but that's about it. The music he's complaining about is the kind of stuff that's heard in most Med resorts - the difference with Ibiza, is you can actually avoid it there by going to places like Space, DC-10, Cafe Del Mar, etc.

for someone who professes to know so much about music, you don't strike me as very bright. Now think about it. The article was posted on the guardian culture site, it's aimed at people who knew what he was getting at. Those kinds of readers wouldn't be sat there thinking 'oh no ibiza is only about guetta these days'. I know this for a fact because I was out there with a lot of those same readers last summer. And not at Guetta nights either. The article is a general comment on the state of dance pop and merely reaffirms the natural bemusement of lot of ageing clubbers - a lot of whom also have kids with similar tastes. There is really nothing controversial about this article whatsoever and you are getting your knickers in a twist over nothing.
I can agree with the content of the article - just not the title. People who've never been to Ibiza read things like that, make certain mental links and think that's really what Ibiza is about. The Guardian has a fairly broad readership btw and there's no reason to assume any particular reader has an allegiance to or knowledge of Ibiza - to many people (well, anyone I know that hasn't been, and even some who have) Ibiza just represents another place where you can go mad on the Med. They don't appreciate the subtle differences between 'Ibiza' and, say, Benidorm. Whatever is the big dance number of 1 the summer they think is 'Ibiza music'.
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if you want to let off steam, rant at the cash-in merchants, rant at the FMIF circus, rant at the swedish house mafia, rant at the billboards, rant at the bellends in the music business, rant at the overcoked PRs, rant at the hanger ons, rant at the sycophants, rant at the airkissers, just don't rant at the messenger for telling it how it is. The headline in itself I strongly doubt would change the perceptions of anyone with half a brain. And people with half a brain, don't generally read the guardian website!
Okay, Olly, I get your point. I'd just love to see more written about Ibiza that teases out the differences between the island/its musical history and other Med party spots. (And, yes, I've read The White Isle.)
Okay, Olly, I get your point. I'd just love to see more written about Ibiza that teases out the differences between the island/its musical history and other Med party spots. (And, yes, I've read The White Isle.)

Fair enough, but there's no point moaning at a pineapple because it's not a banana.

This article is spot on IMO.
The article is spot on, music is repackaged all the time. If you look across all genres not just pop. You can go back a bit and find the original song that was remixed or elements was taken from. The auto-tune is not new (think Roger and Zapp). The younger generation always think that they have something new and fresh when it is not. Whatever music you listen/like there is a preceding genre that begot your hot new underground music. IMO Jazz was the last new genre that stood on it's own. The others borrowed from other genres. The same goes for new dances.
Epic fail for me. :rolleyes:

Hasn't anyone on here moaned about stuff like Ibiza Uncovered in the past? You know, the easy and cheap association of Ibiza with twattishness.

I wonder if Guetta would even be dumb enough to play 'The Time' (or whatever it's called) at one of his Ibiza nights? Maybe he would. :lol:

Plus Guetta's hardly the first (supposedly) cool dance guy to produce crappy pop. Check Stuart Price... He was at it long before Guetta.
Wasn't someone complaining on here recently about that silly J-Ho song and her name-dropping of Ibiza for credibility? :rolleyes: