Any room for pregnant clubbers!??


New Member
Dearest suntanned clubbers...

Strange question really, I am an Ibiza virgin, but not a virgin in so many other ways, being 32 and 6 months pregnant!
Does anyone know what the best club would be to go to, or cafe/bar for a bird with a bump?
Of course I was a hardened clubber in my hay day but I am really only planning 1 or 2 good nights out this holiday.

I am not 26 stone and wearing dungarees just yet, should I go out or stay at home drinking tea like a lonely little housewife? I would hate to be turned away from a club for any reason (or maybe I have watched Kevin and Perry too much!!)

Thanks all
First off Congrats on your imminent arrival:)

I cant tell you what to do with your own body but it might be best just to take it easy as possible while away on Hols.

Smoking and drinking can damage the health of the foetus and any knocks or bangs while in a club surrounded by drunks and people off their could bring on an early labour. Its just not the safest environment for a pregnant woman.

You are just teasing yourself anyway, as in your condition you are very restricted to what you can do if you go out clubbing. Better off to go full term, have your baby and then go on a mad one to celebrate!!

Thanks for the reply, I think I will just take it easy like you say, I have no idea why I never booked to come to Ibiza before, I blame crazy hormone brains, I wont be able to drink or smoke or wear a hot outfit anyway so maybe next summer will be my year!
going to make some cocoa now ...hee hee

There's lots to do in Ibiza without ever going near a club. You can easily get down to the sunset strip and watch sunset each evening, have something to eat and listen to some tunes from all the top pre-party DJ's at Mambo etc.

All the big name DJ's appear at Mambo for an hour set as a warm up for their nights in the big clubs. You can sit back, enjoy the vibe and people watch. It all winds down around 12-1am.

You will also get a feel for the Island and know where to go the next time you arrive. Think of it as a recky mission.
... Does anyone know what the best club would be to go to, or cafe/bar for a bird with a bump? ...
try el divino -
not much going on there anymore because it probably will close for good
at the end of this season -
but they have a great terrace with amazing view to dalt villa!

depending on where you are staying, why not just try a free party at space.

if you're in the area, you can just pop in for a bit and they are never usually very busy. clearly some nights/events aren't practical/suitable, but don't let that stop you having a look to see whats happening. sure, maybe not paying for the 50 euro tickets, but a freebie for a quick foot tap and head nod in space......why not i say.

Bez I am offended on behalf of chappers!!! Why do you assume she wants to drink or smoke??? She didn't say that!

When I was pregnant it didn't stop me going out n about at night in my home town of Benidorm, I even went in some of the bars and clubs (shocking!!! 8O). And before you say it, no I didn't drink or smoke. You can have a good time without all that you know!!!!!

Ok, rant over! :)
to be honest i'd just wait until next year when you'll be able to go enjoy yourself more and definetly would advise against staying away from the big clubs unless you know your going to have a lot of room and wont have some drunken idiots near you jumping around and pushing

but if ya haven't been before i definetly think ya should wait and go when you can go and enjoy yourself and bring back that hardened cubber inside ya thats waiting to get out again :)

oh and congrats of course
Bez I am offended on behalf of chappers!!! Why do you assume she wants to drink or smoke??? She didn't say that!

When I was pregnant it didn't stop me going out n about at night in my home town of Benidorm, I even went in some of the bars and clubs (shocking!!! 8O). And before you say it, no I didn't drink or smoke. You can have a good time without all that you know!!!!!

Ok, rant over! :)

Well said. And as Grego pointed out, theres plenty places you can check out without them being rammed. Check out Underground as well.
Bez I am offended on behalf of chappers!!! Why do you assume she wants to drink or smoke??? She didn't say that!

When I was pregnant it didn't stop me going out n about at night in my home town of Benidorm, I even went in some of the bars and clubs (shocking!!! 8O). And before you say it, no I didn't drink or smoke. You can have a good time without all that you know!!!!!

Ok, rant over! :)

For a start I am sure Clappers can speak for herself, which she did quiet well. I doubt very much shes needs anybody to do it for her.

I never assumed that she drank or smoked???? I stated a medical fact about drinking and smoking affecting babies..........I never presumed that Clappers did??

And dont try and say that you are not putting a baby at some risk by going into a CLUB with drunks, over exuberant boyish behaviour , pushing and shoving , seedy dodgy people, drug dealers and perverts about????

While nothing might happen, it is still not a safe environment.

There is lots that a pregnant woman can do, but in my OPINION, hanging around in an Ibiza club is not one of my first recommendations. But thats each individuals own choice.

Maybe in Benidorm.........
crikey, our ibiza clubs really do sound cool.

anyway, i'm reminded of a story by bob williamson, bolton's finest raconteur, about a night in bolton's finest dance hall, the bolton palais de danse, when he was a young raconteur

bob spotted a good looking girl in the palais and used his finest chat up line
'eh, you with the red dress, are you dancing?'
'i'm not dancing with a kid,' she replied.
'oh, sorry luv, i didn't know you were pregnant!'

he'll get his coat.
bob spotted a good looking girl in the palais and used his finest chat up line
'eh, you with the red dress, are you dancing?'
'i'm not dancing with a kid,' she replied.
'oh, sorry luv, i didn't know you were pregnant!'

he'll get his coat.[/QUOTE]

My wife & I went to lots of clubs when she was pregnant. Pacha, Garlands party at Space, Amnesia, El Divino + a couple of beach parties. We went when it wasn't too busy. people would get out of the way, let her sit down etc. She even blagged a free water at Pacha.

The Ibiza we went to didn't seem half as seedy as Bez makes out. (she'll be gutted she missed that part!)
... putting a baby at some risk by going into a CLUB with
over exuberant boyish behaviour ,
pushing and
shoving ,
seedy dodgy people,
drug dealers and
perverts ...
omg :lol:

what club are you talking about ?
or do you hate them all ? :lol: :lol:
All of the above are in every club.......

Just because you dont see them dosent mean they are not there. They are very much in the minority, but they are present in EVERY club in Ibiza.

I have nothing against any of the Ibiza clubs, I have enjoyed my fair share of them over the last 2 decades, but lets not be naive , we all know what can go on in them.

Im not going to get into a debate about Ibiza clubs, the point is that in my opinion they are not suited to a pregnant woman.

Others will disagree with this viewpoint and they are entitled to that opinion. Im not going to debate the issue with them, its their life and they can live it anyway they want.
A few years ago whilst in Ibiza, my misus was asking to go home early every evening. At the time it was rather frustrating. It wasn't until two weeks later back in the uk we found out she was 3 months pregnant!

Any news? My maths tell me about now is 9 months.

(Quite possibly won't have a spare moment for posting for the next year!)
... a CLUB with
... drunks ...
... seedy dodgy people ...
... drug dealers ...
and perverts ...

ah ... now i understand ...
... you´re talking about pacha in the off-season :lol: :lol:
A few years ago whilst in Ibiza, my misus was asking to go home early every evening. At the time it was rather frustrating. It wasn't until two weeks later back in the uk we found out she was 3 months pregnant!

Any news? My maths tell me about now is 9 months.

(Quite possibly won't have a spare moment for posting for the next year!)

Congrats is in order then!?? Or am I too late.