Any New Year reports?


Well-Known Member
Interested to read reports and see pictures of the various New Year events on the island.

Think I'm definitely gonna get my finger out and come over next year, couple of days in Barca followed by 3 or 4 days on the island.
official review to come soon, but in short:

- pacha was a nice warmup - nicely busy, very varied crowd (on NYE also often a lot of +40/+50 people around - nice)
- amnesia was perfectly busy on the terrace (main room not so busy, but neither empty) and, compared to the music on crowd in summer, the clientele was very nice - again a mixed bunch of locals and tourists from all over the world. definitely less italian than during the season. jamie jones and marco carola were both really good I thought (and I'm not the biggest fan of both of them). really hope amnesia will repeat next year - a must do really. went on till 12noon.
- dc10 was also perfectly busy and also a very nice crowd, no pushing etc. it was pretty obvious it was all about sven vath though - and boy did he smash it. once his set was over (about 1:30am i think - he played longer than the 2hours he was billed) the terrace emptied a fair bit and everyone went inside for the apollonia crew. but the peak was definitely during sven's set and most people's energy was a bit gone after that (so was ours).
- didn't make it to the afters yesterday - body needed sleep.

it's 20°C here today by the way - absolutely amazing start of the year!

i'll say it again - even though it's a bit of a pain in the ass getting to the island in winter, spending new years here is definitely great. it was perfect I thought!
Nice one Stivi!

As the rain lashed down in Dundee on the evening of the 31st and as my plans here only consisted of meeting a mate for a couple of pints, it dawned on me that I definitely do not want a repeat of the same old rubbish again next year!

As it turned out, I actually had a decent evening here for a change although New Year's day was pretty much forgetable for various reasons.

I'm about 99% sure I'll be in Ibiza next year.
So Stivi,
You partied from before midnight (Tues) til 130am the day after NYD? (Thurs):eek:
So Stivi,
You partied from before midnight (Tues) til 130am the day after NYD? (Thurs):eek:

Almost. We had a short break between Amnesia and DC-10 where I even slept for one hour. But then again, we had a cheeky private afterparty at ours after DC-10 which means we actually only went to bed at 9am on Thursday... ah well, quiet period is on now! :)
I'm more likely to get to Ibiza for an ny than a summer now. Are there a reasonable amount of bars open?

of course it's not like in summer, but the plaza del parque area in ibiza town is always lively and a good place to go for drinks at any time. grial is cool for late night drinks, as is pacha (mostly free entry in winter and cheap drinks compared to summer)
i'll say it again - even though it's a bit of a pain in the ass getting to the island in winter, spending new years here is definitely great. it was perfect I thought!

NYE sounds like a great time to come if the weather is OK and you're up for spending a whack. Definitely sounds like a better crowd and plenty on to have a great time.

The Winter travel option is still being hampered by air fares, Stivi. Trouble is the direct flights are useless for most of UK as London City airport is a nightmare to get to. Decreased competition on the Barca-IBZ route and very high fares on the PMI-IBZ route drive the costs up to about £200 + baggage fees via any routing even from London Gatwick. Which makes it an expensive option as you can cover the costs of a Winter short break in Mallorca with a car for the difference in fares of the Ibiza leg. It's the same issue with Menorca. You can also get to Canaries if you're flexible for about the same outlay with more reliable daytime temperatures and warmer water !
yeah air fares are more expensive kimajy, there is no denying in this. BUT as hotels are MUCH cheaper and expenses on island are also a lot lower (rental cars, food & drinks, club entries), you end up spending about the same i'd say really. don't be put off just seeing the higher air fares.
Almost. We had a short break between Amnesia and DC-10 where I even slept for one hour. But then again, we had a cheeky private afterparty at ours after DC-10 which means we actually only went to bed at 9am on Thursday... ah well, quiet period is on now! :)

Slept for an hour?
Lightweight ;)

good stuff =>

"... An absolutely stunning track that poured pure emotion out of the VOID speakers directly onto your face.
If you weren’t an emotional wreck already,
you were now.
I remember being stood in front of one of the massive fans that keep you cool, hoodie on (such a revelation to rave in warm clothing in Ibiza by the way!), wind blowing through my hair like some overtly sexual L’oreal ‘Because You’re Worth It’ advert, eyes closed
and being ridiculously happy.
What a moment.

4am had arrived and the taxi queue called my name. Someone outside could he heard muttering the words ‘that was f***ing insane” over and over again
but, all things considered,
there is every chance it was me ..."
Really gutted I didn't make DC10 but after leaving Amnesia I couldn't hear anything, it felt like everyone was talking to me through a metal tube, so odd, and couldn't hear properly for 2 days. Think I need my ears syringing before the summer or I'll go deaf.
I know I know, I've got some, but I always forget to take them out! It only normally happens after a few days in loud environments, festivals, weekenders, big sessions etc, but I've never had it after 1 night. Its f***ing annoying as well as obviously damaging so I'll sort them out next time.
it was VERY loud in both amnesia and dc10 and i'm extremely glad i finally got a pair of proper custom made earplugs at the start of last summer. nowadays I really couldn't imagine going clubbing without them. it takes you a few nights until you get used to them, but once you're accustomed to them, it's heavenly. no ringing. no 'tired ears', even after 24+hrs of clubbing (hard to explain, but those who know will agree).
Went to a squat rave (warehouse party) for NYE. Messy does not describe it. Parked up with the Acid Techno \ Hard Trance \ PsyTrance rig. Phenomenal. Goes down as one of the best nights out I've ever had. Rest of the rigs were drum & bass and dubstep and filled with kids, felt like the rig we were at was a safe haven. Haha.
Join one of my residents for Transcend at an after party. Messy. Messy.
James Chapman said:
midnight clocked and before I knew it I was partaking in the craziest Spanish tradition I’ve ever heard of: with every strike of the bell at midnight, you must eat a grape, that is 12 grapes in 12 seconds. I don’t know why, I just know that I did it, nearly choking in the process.
from the ibiza sun:

Did you know?
There must be many people who joined the locals to welcome in the New Year
by eating a grape on the twelve strokes of midnight who are not aware of the
significance. The custom dates back to the last decade of the nineteenth
century when the vineyards in Alicante produced a bumper harvest and the
farmers decided to cover them with paper bags so that they would last until
the end of the year. They then ran a campaign, calling them "las doce uvas
de la suerte" (twelve lucky grapes) that would bring happiness and
prosperity to all who managed to eat them in time; not an easy feat! The
custom is linked with the Puerta del Sol in Madrid, where traditionally the
New Year is rung in, similar to Big Ben in England, but now most towns have
their own celebrations where revellers try to devour the grapes in twelve