Any club promoters on here?


Well-Known Member
Done a few things in the past but looking at seeing if I could take this further. I am looking for someone that could be a bit of a mentor and answer a few questions and give me some pointers, especially when it comes to booking DJs, paying venues and advertising etc.

Also, if there is anyone currently booking DJs for nights and interesed in possible tie up's to cut the overall cost, please let me know.

PM if anyone can help.
You'd be surprised how many such industry people read this forum dirk ;) the question is only whether they'll get in touch with you!
onemore certainly is. And judging by the line-ups and link-up his party has I'd say he knows his beans.

And Ben (Ikoda) & andyallwood all throw parties.
I used to, my answer is don't.

Agreed. Did it for over a year in Manchester half with a very well known club night and the other half 3 of my own parties. Spent lots, struggled with numbers and found out who my real friends are. Many more lessons learnt and I would never do it again!

Good luck Dirk I look forward to hearing how you get on.
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Done a few things in the past but looking at seeing if I could take this further. I am looking for someone that could be a bit of a mentor and answer a few questions and give me some pointers, especially when it comes to booking DJs, paying venues and advertising etc.

Also, if there is anyone currently booking DJs for nights and interesed in possible tie up's to cut the overall cost, please let me know.

PM if anyone can help.
happy to help if i can mate...
Down south there seems to be a lot of emphasis on DJ'S selling tickets. Which is why I decided to stop playing out and just concentrate on trying to produce tracks instead.

Not sure if this is a nation wide thing? Be interesting to know
Down south there seems to be a lot of emphasis on DJ'S selling tickets. Which is why I decided to stop playing out and just concentrate on trying to produce tracks instead.

Not sure if this is a nation wide thing? Be interesting to know
Same in Nottingham, and a lot of promotors won't put a certain name on the night unless they bring 'X' amount to the event. Even after this they don't pay money promised......
That said there's lot of successful nights to.
That's to any question.
Tell me more.

I'm just being a cynical f***er. I'd love to put parties on again, especially over here. Be prepared to take the highs with the lows. You can book a club of £50 djs one time and sell out, then book a stellar line up and get 20 through the door, its a proper lottery. Build up slowly, get a good loyal following and reward them with free drinks, entry, whatever, they'll be your brand and they'll spread the word better than any flyer poster or faebook event.
Same in Nottingham, and a lot of promotors won't put a certain name on the night unless they bring 'X' amount to the event. Even after this they don't pay money promised......
That said there's lot of successful nights to.

Yeah, i sit on the fence when it comes to this.

On one-hand as a DJ - particularly a local, non-established, support/warm-up DJ why wouldn't you want to sell tickets? Getting more people to the event you're playing at and raising your profile. Who wants to play out to an empty room?

On the other giving out DJ slots purely based on the number of tickets they can shift is obviously wrong. It's counter-productive. A false economy.
Yeah, i sit on the fence when it comes to this.

On one-hand as a DJ - particularly a local, non-established, support/warm-up DJ why wouldn't you want to sell tickets? Getting more people to the event you're playing at and raising your profile. Who wants to play out to an empty room?


Exactly this. From a promoters point of view, i am doing a favour by putting on the type of dj that you list above. So, if i then expect that dj to pull a few people through the door i dont see anything wrong in that.

It doesnt really affect us in the slightest these days, but years ago if a local dj was hassling us for a gig then i would expect that dj to bring people through the door if we put him/her on the line up.
Happy to help where I can, slightly different scene for me with Trance. Been running Transcend two and a half years and I'm still learning bucket-loads.
