Any advice where to stay 4-6 April please?

We are planning the Friday eve in San an to watch the sunset. So if you fancy a few(lots) of beers where is open? We'll drive over if not drinking but bus it if we are and get a cab back when lubricated.
I'll hazard a bet it'll be Figueretas ....
You know me to well..;) Did`nt book anywhere yet but it will be Figueretas or Talamanca.Gona see what the weather be like nearer the date.But to say we`ll be hiting the ground running is an understatement.:twisted: We arrive at 19:00 on sunday leave 11:00 on tuesday:eek:
So much to do in the next six days and so much to do logistically when I'm there it barely feels like a holiday. I'm sure a good sunset Tuesday night will change that though. Weather be warned, don't dare be shit!
Sat in Manchester airport now! Flights in 45 minutes. Hope the 3:30am wake up was worth it. Currently dying of flu. Massive fever and bad chest. Least yesterday's migraine has gone though!
My trip's off, unfortunately. As per my lifelong "jinx", anything booked more than 4 days ahead never happens. I am flat out with a work "boom" following certain Budget announcements (ahem !) and dare not take time out right now. Will have to make it over later in the year.
:(Kima I was looking forward to a 10 am meet up on Monday. I'll just leave my drum at home now. :)

:( me too that would have been nice.

It's always the way with my line of work unfortunately - sometimes you make yourself available for a whole week and things stall / get deferred, so you wind up twiddling thumbs when you could have been on a beach relaxing. Other times you try to plan your trip away and then at the last minute you have to cancel everything to 'deliver' at short notice. The only way round it is to decline that sort of work for a while, but it's what pays for everything so that's not always so easy to do !
That's a shame kimagy, 10 hours till we take off. Feeling excited and nervous incase we can't find anything open when we land at 9pm :D