Andy Gray gone

the other extreme is workplaces dominated by women, which can be vicious in very different ways

I've been there and on the receiving end of it - like a pack of frikkin wolves!

I for one would hate an office where there was no flirting of any kind..

Welcome to my world. It took a lot of getting used to after my last job. I managed to insult one of the Business Development Managers on my first week here 8) :lol:
I think the entire presenting team of 'Loose Women' should be had up for blatant sexism and derogatory remarks towards men. Or is it ok the other way round?! :)

Of course it's OK the other way round...:p

Seriously though, I think the way they act are a reaction to male sexism. That's not an excuse by the way. I don't necessarily agree with how they behave - if everyone starts being sexist how is that going to ever move things forward?
it's a highly subjective area when things come down to nuances and innuendos

I think it's where you bring your profession into disrepute or bully someone so as to cause real distress, that things get really serious
Sexist and the PC crowd both need to take breath. I'm not saying sexism doesn't exist but a little banter at work makes the day go by.

I had 6 ladies working for me and it was a nightmare. They separated into 2 tribes and had at each other everyday. I was so happy when the tribe departed for other places, because it made everyone else worried to talk at work. Took the joy out of the team we had.

Female Assistant Referee Sian Massey has announced that she is to quit the sport.

Its nothing to do with the Andy Gray/Richard Keys affair shes just fed up that every time she officiates at a game, her fellow workmates turn up in the same dress as hers!
bit of a Gray area this one ;)

I've never liked Andy Gray, he has always hated Newcastle, so f**k him :)

What is worse though is Sky using the word 'soccer', that is far more offensive!
Can't believe that she wants to sue Keys for that, no one knew who she was until she spoke to the papers!!
She better not get a penny!!
If people could sue for banter like that, most of us men would be bankrupt!
Can't say I'll miss him, he's the worst type of arrogant know it all in football broadcasting. However, at the same time, I think sacking him is a massive overreaction and yet another example of political correctness gone mad. What's everyone elses take on it?

Whats the point in starting an internet debate about a subject you are on neither side of?

Who was that smug guy in the studio with Redknapp and Wilkins over the weekend? Far worse than Keys!
Who was that smug guy in the studio with Redknapp and Wilkins over the weekend? Far worse than Keys!

I hope he's not a permanent replacement either!

Looks like Gray and Keys will be taking Mike Parry's 10am-1pm slot on Talksport.