Andy Gray gone


Active Member
Can't say I'll miss him, he's the worst type of arrogant know it all in football broadcasting. However, at the same time, I think sacking him is a massive overreaction and yet another example of political correctness gone mad. What's everyone elses take on it?
I think it's more the fact he shoved a mic down his trousers and then started gyrating in front of a woman presenter that sealed his career death warrant. If I did that in our office, I would be out the door in 5 minutes
I think it's more the fact he shoved a mic down his trousers and then started gyrating in front of a woman presenter that sealed his career death warrant. If I did that in our office, I would be out the door in 5 minutes

but what a way to go!
actually, i retract that after seeing that.

that was one of the most cringeworthy things i've seen in......... years..... urgh............

however, my vision of olly slinking up to some chick in his office, shoving a microphone (itself a bizarre thing to having in your position in most offices) down his pants and gyrating vigorously next to her, then being ejected from the premises jazzy jeff style, is absolutely killing me right now :lol:
basically, they lost a contract to a rival and suspected I was a spy

a case of shoot first, ask questions later...
I think Grays sacking has more to do with his legal action against the News of the World which is owned by the same group that run Sky.........silly boy.

Strange how the tapes all appeared at once.........

Hint of the Olly incident there:)
I think Grays sacking has more to do with his legal action against the News of the World which is owned by the same group that run Sky.........silly boy.

Strange how the tapes all appeared at once.........

Hint of the Olly incident there:)

Didn't know about that! Interesting...

I've always thought he was a *****.

But it's definately a fit up.

If his behaviour was as bad as reported his bosses should have told him to tone it down before now. It's clear that his behaviour must have been common knowledge and tolerated by his colleagues and bosses for a while, i mean look how blatant he is.

They obviously wanted to give him enough rope to hang himself with.

Didn't know about that! Interesting...

I've always thought he was a *****.

But it's definately a fit up.

If his behaviour was as bad as reported his bosses should have told him to tone it down before now. It's clear that his behaviour must have been common knowledge and tolerated by his colleagues and bosses for a while, i mean look how blatant he is.

They obviously wanted to give him enough rope to hang himself with.

Definately a ploy by Sky to fook him off. How else would all these tapes be leaked, and at the speed at which they became public ?

As JJ says, they should get Kamara in to replace him.

Please god dont let it be J Redknapp :spank:
political correctness gone mad.

If the PC Brigade could hear the cr@p I had to listen to in my last job, being one of only 3 girls in an office of 50 blokes, they'd curl up and die. Women shouldn't have to put up with it, but we do because some blokes are always going to be like it. Maybe in 100 years time things might be different but for now ladies are just gonna have to deal with the fact that they will always have to fight for equality.

I love the fact that The Sun's front pages scream SEXIST OUTRAGE then you turn to page 3 to see boobs...brilliant!
I think it very much depends on what industry you work in

salesy environments for instance, ooze testosterone, whereas a school staffroom probably doesn't

the other extreme is workplaces dominated by women, which can be vicious in very different ways

getting the balance between jocular banter and disciplinary-worthy sexism is sometimes quite fine. I know people who have sailed close to the wind. It often depends on your personal chemistry with people...

I for one would hate an office where there was no flirting of any kind..
I think the entire presenting team of 'Loose Women' should be had up for blatant sexism and derogatory remarks towards men. Or is it ok the other way round?! :)