Americans are still a bit stupid

Ya, that didn't quite go as planned :evil:

Somewhat surprising too, given the general liberalness of Californians.

One step at a time, Rob...
given the general liberalness of Californians.

Exactly! 8O

Ah well, if everyone was perfect and there was nothing to whinge about, life would be boring.

It's amazing how many of these people exist though - even in my inner circle.

I'm not normally an advocate for the gays (:lol:) but it was a shock to hear one of my best friends go on about the importance of male/female relationships for bringing up children in a family network...I wasn't quite sure how to respond so I just quickly changed the subject - but 8O.

Fox revelaed today that Palin told Mccain that she thought AFRICA was a COUNTRY.
Ya, that didn't quite go as planned :evil:

Somewhat surprising too, given the general liberalness of Californians.

One step at a time, Rob...

California is actually pretty conservative, which is why they continuously elect GOP governors. Has anyone ever been in/driven through Redding,CA(hope not)it's far cry from LA. But the Prop wasn't even defeated in LA County! I'm upset the thing passed, can't imagine anyone being happy to use the constitution/laws to take rights away from another citizen.
Partially true - but look at the Republican governors they've had lately. Their policies tend to be in line with moderate Democrats.

CA always goes for Dem presidential candidates, Senators, and I'm pretty sure the majority of Congressmen. And many of them from the liberal end of the party.

Strangely enough, I think it's the same minorities (Latinos & Blacks) that boost the Democrats in California that also boosted this gay marriage ban. Those groups tend to be socially liberal on many things, but not homosexuality.

I think you need to look at your own backyard before calling us stupid. How many of the “forward thinking, open-minded” European countries have legalized gay marriages? Netherlands, Spain and Belgium only.

Now on to the proposition. First of all, I voted NO on Proposition 8, mainly for the reason that gays getting married do not have any affect on me as a straight person irrespective of whether I am single or if I were married.

That being said, the fact that the legalization of gay marriage that happened a while back via the court system (AKA Judicial Activism), without placing the issue in front of the people, did in fact piss off a lot of people in CA to the point that even though they were against P8, they voted for P8. I personally know of a few cases. To be honest, had I not had close friends in the gay community, I would have done the same. It might come across as immature, but I guarantee you that it is not. There is a method to my madness.

The government works for the people and not the other way around, as much as the elites in the government would like to think otherwise. The same folks who will use the courts (rather than the decision of the people) today to “give” rights are capable of using the courts to take rights. Trying to “change” the Constitution via the court system is elitist and a pretext to turning the country into a dictatorship.

"Power is the great evil with which we are contending. We have divided power between three branches of government and erected checks and balances to prevent abuse of power. However, where is the check on the power of the judiciary? If we fail to check the power of the judiciary, I predict that we will eventually live under judicial tyranny." Patrick Henry.

The term “We” is for the people.
I find myself sitting on the fence on the whole gay marriage thing.

One half of me thinks, why the hell shouldn't they get married? Who does it hurt? It's just a bit of paper and it in no way affects me or anyone else outside of that marriage.

But then, I also think that marriage is a christian thing, or at least it used to be, so the beliefs and 'rules' of the faith should be given respect.

Oh well, it doesn't effect me anyway. :lol:
I find myself sitting on the fence on the whole gay marriage thing.

One half of me thinks, why the hell shouldn't they get married? Who does it hurt? It's just a bit of paper and it in no way affects me or anyone else outside of that marriage.

But then, I also think that marriage is a christian thing, or at least it used to be, so the beliefs and 'rules' of the faith should be given respect.

Oh well, it doesn't effect me anyway. :lol:

Marriage isn't limited to Christianity! There are other religions that get married too and is still a sacred vow! ;)

back to the main question, I don't know why anyone would vote against it ( well I do! :roll:).... if you don't want a gay marriage then don't get one, dont' stop anyone else from getting one!
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Marriage isn't limited to Christianity! There are other religions that get married too and is still a sacred vow! ;)

back to the main question, I don't know why anyone would vote against it ( well I do! :roll:).... if you don't want a gay marriage then don't get one, dont' stop anyone else from getting one!

My Bad, I should have said 'religious thing'. Anyway, my point stands. I don't know of a single faith (Not that I'm an expert) that even proves of gays.

I guess a state wedding is obviously not religious so that kind of counters my argument, but I still see Marriage as a religious thing.
A religious thing or not, there is a legal purpose involved in marriage and that concerns certain rights afforded to spouses -- hospital visitation, labor benefits extended to family members (like health insurance), inheritance, etc. I think that's the key issue involved in this debate.

Good point by LB, though.... the title of this thread does overlook the fact that the UK doesn't allow gay marriage, Rob! If it were put to a referendum in the UK, would it pass? If yes, why hasn't it been tried?
There is legalized gay marriage in the UK,more formally known as a civil partnership.
Also couples have been known to have their union blessed in a (gay friendly)christian church! (but not the catholics I would guess)!!
Not heard of any other religion involved like this...:)