i think this is my favourite party of the summer - the las dalias garden always has original artists djing live with all sorts of instruments - i've heard violins, guitars, bongos, sax, keyboards. all at sunset, in a really cool setting with free entry. and even better, the night hippy market is just next door. tonight savage and she, from 9-ish

simply magical. and then after, we'll probably pop into akasha where they carry on playing until 5am - admittedly, i very rarely last that long ;)
yeah Beat Hotel will be really good. I actually saw Maurice Fulton here at the Cabaret the other week. Had been quite a few years. Enjoyed it though he was a bit stoned and not really bothering with any kind of 'journey'. The last hour was unexpected - loadsa edits of famous tracks (maybe his own?) which he was just letting play out.