Ahhhhh, the memories...

No, only just got into rapidshare. Was still dishing out CDs and tapes till last year, apparently the internet is where it's all happening nowadays. :lol::lol::lol:
No, only just got into rapidshare. Was still dishing out CDs and tapes till last year, apparently the internet is where it's all happening nowadays. :lol::lol::lol:

Hopefully not being at all gullible... I'll admit that i am pretty much the same.... Hence the new Guise i've adopted.. Authentechnics. Tryin to keep the established club vibe alive. So many people i meet and club with ain't down with the ol digi scene either.

I've always been a bit apprehensive of the digital era so i held off. At least now i can pick and choose what parts i need to suit who i am.
Bit like not conforming, it hasn't served me too bad really... Much to great debate i still insist on spinning vinyl! Bit of a trade mark really.
This is for one reason... My pal who i've known travelled and with for many years could not play for toffee!! then soon as the ol CDJ's and the like came out.. bang there he is dj'ing parties etc... i ain't jealous at all, we have a great time but for me there's always gonna be that edge that vinyl provides. That authenticity of REAL music i've chosen. Not just a bag load of downloads i knocked off my mates hard drive for 40 quid!

If indeed you are a late starter my friend you are not alone... but maybe it's not you fallin behind. it's just taking a measured individual view on where you may fit in. What bits you want to reflect you're style and persona.

I wanted to mention the sound cloud thing cos i like the idea of streamming insead of downloading in order to check out miixes and tracks, and i wanted to hear yours!

Best regards!
This is for one reason... My pal who i've known travelled and with for many years could not play for toffee!! then soon as the ol CDJ's and the like came out.. bang there he is dj'ing parties etc... i ain't jealous at all, we have a great time but for me there's always gonna be that edge that vinyl provides. That authenticity of REAL music i've chosen. Not just a bag load of downloads i knocked off my mates hard drive for 40 quid!!

couldnt agree more. :D:D