Advice to NICKYBOY RE: Pulling In Ibiza

I'm Scottish and I think assuming Scots people are smackheads or losers is very racist.

I'm a Scotsman. Yeah, okay I am a smackhead but I wouldn't go as far as to say I'm a loser. Why just the other day I won £2 down at the bookies. Just enough for another wrap of skag.

Now who's the loser, eh?? :x
jeembo said:
I pulled 5 birds in 5 nights. All were extremely nice girls who wanted to wait and see how the relationship developed. They thought and I thought it may lead to something more deep and meaningful.



2 pumps and a squirt!!! ERrrrrr, byeeeeee!!!!
:lol: :twisted: :lol:
"my aug 06
he all im not been on the boarder in some time .. well i not told u about my aug 06 im arrive aug 20th at 12 pm we arrive we very tired there is 4 of us all in total .. i get a bottle of wine to liven me up we all get hammered str8 away lol.. we go 2 get a speedboat out it was good not bad for 50 euros.. then we hit westend at night we all scored ;) all good a good day! DAY 2 we wake up have a stroll about get some food get some beers go beach 2nite we go amnesia it was mackus shulz was on it was good nite pulled this burd ! .. DAY 3 we got booze cruise wake up at 11 am gota b up early 4 it u see. it was good got hammered on it and pulled these burds on it from leeds then at nite we went down westend with those burds.. Day 4 wake up go 2 restaurant the 1 near cafe mambo had a nice pizza then get some beers have a party in hotel room with those burds we score with then down west end.. DAY 5 wake up have a swim in sea back 2 hotel get ready go out get hammered go eden i pullled this stunner in eden ;) .. Day 6 2day a simple day chill out by pool with that burd i pulled and have a beer then down westend in play 2 .. Day 7 last night .. go on beach get speed boat out take a swim i like swiming especialy when theres burds on the beach no wot i mean haha!!! u no how it is.. last nite i make most of last nite get some beers get ready im him the westend yes i get a strip dance for 30 euro i enjoyed it u no the strip bar oppesite flares that 1 .. after my strip dance i want 2 pull so im go into soul city pull this burd she was fine perfect body from birmingham i stil got her number i meet up with her stil..... any way that was my aug 06 roll on aug 07 this time 2 weeks XXXX "

all these burds/stunners/etc were pulled/scored/etc by ...

... wayne18uk :twisted: 8) :twisted:
Reading these things always cracks me up. With I was a burd, or a stunner then I could lead muppets like this down the west end and into the sea like the pied piper.8)
I thought it was a well reasoned and insightful piece of journalism.

I for one will be following this advice while both at home in my local Ritzy and 'on tour' with my fellow yoths.
I thought it was a well reasoned and insightful piece of journalism.

I for one will be following this advice while both at home in my local Ritzy and 'on tour' with my fellow yoths.

are yoths, like goths, but know one knows "y"?
hahahaha great film:lol:

Quite right
... during the day is a prime time to do them
on the balcony in front of the whole hotel,
i did this and she screamed so much
some of the ither women thought i was a beast and wanted it ...

... Do not be shy to leave early with any bird,
you can always bone them and leave,
try to use their apartment if possible cos you dont want her knowing where you
stay in case she becomes possesive and wants a holiday romance ...

This guy should write book! I'd buy it just to "educate" my male friends on how to pull birds in Ibiza...or anywhere.:lol: